Ivy and her Missing Instrument

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Pixie Valley was dead quiet not a single vehicle insight. Even the weather was holding off not a spec of rain was seen. The fields were dry, the flowers hardly had anything to drink.

Suddenly Pixie Valley was disturbed by a sweet melody. The Pixie unicorns cantered along the fields while the Pixie birds swooped and dived around Ivy while chirping to the music.

Ivy danced around the Pixie tree house, the Pixie rocket, she even danced around the park while playing her flute.

Soon Ivy became tired and sat on a Pixie mushroom to stare out into the view. She also placed her instrument by her side.

Someone spotted Ivy's instrument. He crept over and stole Ivy's flute without her noticing. The naughty Pixie sprinted off and hid out of sight.

Ivy came too and noticed her instrument was gone. Ivy began to panic. She waved her arms in the air all flustered.

Julie was pushing Ulrik in the Pixie hover pram that hovered within the air. She noticed Ivy.

"You alright dear," Julie asked as she fed Ulrik a bottle of Pixie juice.

"No I've lost my favourite Pixie flute."

Julie helped Ivy to search for the instrument but it was nowhere in sight.

Suddenly a loud racket came towards Nash's house.

"That sound it sounds like a flute?" said Julie.

They both sprinted towards Nash's house while pushing Ulrik in his pram.

The sound began to get louder and louder.

Julie knocked on the door and the sound of the flute stopped.

Soon Nash slowly opened the door to find Julie, Ulrik and Ivy.

"Nash, hand Ivy her instrument back now!"

Nash smiled as he handed a flute which was misshaped.

"You evil Pixie," Julie yelled.

Nash's parents arrived at the door. Julie explained what happened and Nash was punished once again.

Suddenly a bellowing cry shook Pixie Valley. Julie thought it was Ulrik but Ulrik was sound asleep.

The sound was coming from Ivy.

"Ivy dear, we will get it fixed, because the horrible monster destroyed it!" Julie yelled.

Julie, Ulrik and Ivy strolled down the path towards Emma's house.

Emma invited them in and took a look at the instrument. Emma smiled and took it to the backroom.

There was a lot of clashing and banging going on but soon Emma finished and the flute was brand new.

The bellowing cry stopped and there stood Ivy with her instrument. Ivy thanked Emma for fixing the flute and skipped happily down the valley.

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