Gloria and the Grapeberry

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Gloria was busy in her garden looking after her fruit and vegetables. Olivia the old and wise space inventor handed Gloria a magic Pixie seed which was purple with shades of blue.

Gloria planted the seed into the soft golden soil which was glistening within the light. She gave it a sprinkle of water and left home to berry pick at Pixie forest.

Pixie forest was full of berries which she picked but someone was watching her closely within his tower.

"You don't steal from Pixie forest!" the wizard Pixie shouted as he stormed down the stairs but as he left the tower Gloria was gone and half of the berries were gone.

"No my precious garden!" Wilson yelled.

Gloria was in her grocery store serving Benjamin who wanted some Pixie fruit to add to his bread mixture.

Gloria handed Benjamin a bag full of fresh Raspcurrents which cost two Pixie coins.

Benjamin thanked Gloria and then left but suddenly a loud bellow disturbed the silence.

"Morning Gloria!" Julie yelled.

"Morning, what's up with Ulrik."

"Baby tooth coming through."

"I know a special ingredient to sooth his gums." Gloria suggested.

Gloria added some fresh Pixie fruit into the blender and whisked up one fresh Pixie Juice for Ulrik.

Soon the whole grocery store went quiet and Ulrik fell into a deep sleep.

"Thank you Gloria," Julie whispered.

Suddenly a giant Pixie fruit rolled past the grocery store window with Olivia shouting "It's worked, my invention has worked."

Gloria stormed out with Julie and Ulrik finding nothing but a disaster.

Mr Constable was waving his fist at Olivia while the giant Pixie fruit smashed through lampposts and traffic lights as it was heading towards the police department.

Suddenly Gloria rushed over into the Pixie rocket and took flight.

"I wish Olivia was with me instead of her cheering like some crazy old hag."

Gloria called Ryder on the Pixie cell phone while she headed towards the giant Pixie fruit.

In a flash Ryder arrived, Gloria threw Ryder a piece of rope and he wrapped it around the fruit.

Gloria flicked the jets on and flames burst out of the engine. The rocket took flight with the fruit towards Pixie forest.

The wizard glanced out of his window and started to scream. He hurried down the stairs and out into the forest.

Suddenly the rope snapped and the giant Pixie fruit dropped out of the sky and landed near the wizard.

Wilson jumped with joy, he explored the purple, blue fruit which was a shape of a heart.
Wilson took a bite and the juice trickled down his chin.
The juice taste of grapes and then the blue berries kicked in.

The Pixie rocket flew past as Wilson smiled to Gloria. Gloria landed the Pixie rocket and Olivia was furious for what Gloria had done.

Mr Constable took the Crazy scientist away before any new experiments were created.

Even Gloria would never trust Olivia's experiments again. Pixie Valley is safe from the Crazy old Pixie until Olivia returns.

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