Tiana and the Train Wreck

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Tiana was busy moping the station floor and clearing out the bins. Getting it all sparkly clean for another busy day.

Though the weather at Pixie Valley wasn't great the wind howled through the Station.

Tiana fetched her steam train from the huge sheds and chugged down the tracks ready to board the pixies.
All the pixies aboard the train and sets off on a journey.

Tiana pulled the lever and the train started to move while pulling the carriages behind. The steam train puffed out thick grey smoke and it chugged down the rails, under bridges and through a forest.

Sue kept everyone entertained by her singing. While Ivy played her instrument happily skipping down the aile.

Soon the train picked up speed as it sped down a steep hill. Ivy tripped over and landed in Sue's lap. Fandango's bait went everywhere. While Tiana was nervous trying to pull the break.

The train raced through Pixie Valley and slid off the rails. A massive collision with traffic made the carriages go flying towards the shops.

The carriages tumbled down causing mayhem. Everyone within the carriages, shops and cars were badly injured.

Many pixies were killed when the train collided and some where injured.

The dragon burgades, Mr Constable, Carol and Xena were helping the pixies but they had to be careful or else the buildings could collapse.

Tiana was in the front unconscious with loads of boulders on top of her but she was still breathing.

The dragon burgades tried their best to save the Pixies that they forgot about Tiana.

Suddenly a massive explosion lit up Pixie Valley. The carriages caught light and Tiana began to cough as thick smoke got into her lungs."

"Help! Any one there!" Tiana yelled.

Tiana tried to budge but this made more boulders fall. Tiana screamed as an out burst of flames crept towards her.

Nearby was a tiny voice muffled by all the rocks.

"Anyone there!"

Tiana screamed at the top of her lungs.

The young Pixie worked really hard to remove all the boulders with the help from the dragon burgades. Soon he found Tiana and hurried down to help her.

The young Pixie lifted her up and she thanked the Pixie for risking his life to save another.

"Thank you Nash."

Nash smiled, but then another explosion erupted which flung Tiana and Nash to the ground.

The flames were out of control and needs to be stopped. The dragon burgades were breathing out whirlpools from their mouth but it wasn't enough to stop it.

Nash sprinted towards the Pixie rocket and warned the Crazy scientist that everyone needs her help.

Olivia was excited about her new experiment that she hadn't realise that Pixie Valley was in danger.

Olivia started the engine and blasted towards the wreckage. Olivia activated the 2000 Vac.
The vac sprayed a massive wave of water which helped to put out the fire.

Soon Carol and Xena helped the injured pixies back at the Pixie hospital. While Tiana and Emma got the train safely back at the station.

The Pixie knights from the Pixie castle helped to build the shops and Queen Quineta and King Kayden announced a medal to Nash for being a brave Pixie who saved many lives.

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