Harvey the Hairstylist

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Everyone at Pixie Valley were queuing outside the hair salon ready to get their hair cut.

Alice, Fandango even DJ was there, as his hair was out of control it looked like a huge nest on top of his head.

Harvey opened up the shop and welcomed his costumers.
He sat DJ in the swivel chair and started to sprinkle Pixie dust from his finger tips. The Pixie dust danced around DJ's hair transforming it into a mohican.
DJ smiled at the mirror as he tilted his head back and forth.

"Thank you Harvey." said DJ as he exit the shop.

Soon Harvey had done many styles, wavy hair, pig tails, an afro, dying Gloria's hair as grey roots were starting to show.  Harvey needed to rest and left Alice alone with Nash.

"I be back in a minute Alice, I'm just going for a break."

Alice looked worried as Nash had a grin spread across his face.

"Alright squirt," Nash asked as he circled around Alice's chair.

Alice said nothing her whole body began to tremble with fright. Suddenly she felt her hair flinch and lots of Pixie dust swirled around her head.

Nash twiddled his finger tips cutting away strands of hair. Alice screamed really loud but Harvey had fallen into a deep sleep in his office.
Nash noticed some dyes near by and poured the colours onto Alice's head.

The Pixie dust collected the dye and mixed it into the hair.
Nash laughed as the magic weared off leaving Alice with short rainbow coloured hair.

"Oh wow, you look beautiful squirt. More like dreadful. Ah hahaha ha."

Alice began to cry floods of tears. Harvey woke with a startle and hurried out of the office.

"Sorry about the... What happened!"

"It was Nash!"

"That naughty Pixie. Don't worry Alice I get you looking beautiful in no time."

Harvey twiddled his fingers and more Pixie dust hovered around Alice's head.
Alice was nervous as she didn't want anything else happening.

Suddenly Alice had short golden hair and Alice thanked Harvey for fixing her hair.

Then Nash walked in and wanted a hair cut.
Harvey agreed and gave Nash a complete make over.

Nash exits the hairsalon with a bright pink dress,rainbow pigtails with pink bows and a Pixie rose clip at the top of his head. Also Nash had colourful make up, lipstick and nail polish.

Nash stormed down the road passing all the pixies and even Alice who burst out laughing.

"I'll get you for this squirt." Nash threatened as he glared into Alice's ruby eyes.

Harvey was pleased to fix Alice's hair but also got revenge by turning Nash into a beautiful Princess.

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