Queen Quineta's Quest.

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Down at Pixie train station all the pixies were gathering around the station to claim their tickets to aboard the Pixie steam train.

They took off towards the Pixie mountain to claim precious gems for the Queen.

But Julie had diamonds sparkling in her eyes. The sound of gems made her want to keep them for herself.

Soon the train came to a stop and everyone climbed off board and lined up near the freezing cold mountain that was covered in snow.

Queen Quineta announced to the pixies, "Somewhere around here are my precious gems. This letter was from my mother so I would like some help to find these gems and when you find them please return them to me as soon as possible.

The pixies all split up wondering where the gems could be. Benjamin was searching through the snow looking out for anything sparkly.

King Kayden was watching Julie very carefully with Ulrik as he knows that Julie would try and steal precious gems.

So the king quickly hurried towards the front to be by Julie but the Queen yelled at the top of her voice which echoed around the mountain, "Where are you going!"

Suddenly a loud rumbling sound came from above. A large landslide was heading towards them.

Julie with Ulrik was too busy searching that she didn't notice what was happening. Soon Julie found a cave and entered with the hover pram.

Soon the cave entrance was blocked by a massive landslide and Julie had nowhere to escape.

As Julie turned the corner something caught her eye. A large gem sticking out from the ground. Julie dug like crazy which revealed the largest Ruby and a letter by its side.

The letter read, "dear Princess, If your reading this then u must of found the other letter. The letter about this gem. The royal Ruby. This Ruby will bring your dreams all true."

Julie's eyes lit up, money was falling out from her ears. The sound of the Ruby with magic was a blessing. Julie gripped the Ruby and wished to return to the group suddenly the Ruby flashed and poof. Julie arrived near Fandango and Carol.

Julie quickly hid the gem under Ulriks blanket out of sight. No one had noticed that Julie and Ulrik were missing. Julie listened to the queen's orders while Ulrik cuddled the gem tight.

The Queen was getting impatient and threatened all the pixies to find her precious gem. She waved her hand frantically shouting out orders.

Mr Constable hovered around glaring at every Pixie. Even Julie's heart began to thump as Mr Constable got closer to the hover pram.

The gem began to glimmer brighter then the sun. Everyone glanced over in shock as Ulrik began to float in mid air holding tight to the gem.

"My Precious gem!" Quineta yelled.

"Sorry to ruin the party but we must fly."

Julie leapt onto the hover pram and thick Pixie dust sprayed out. The pram took flight and Julie gripped Ulrik in her arms with the gem.

Mr Constable was shocked by finding out that Julie was the one stealing all the gems.

Mr Constable and everyone else hopped back onto the train and chased after Julie.

The hover pram sped around Pixie Valley while the train sped down the track.

When the train arrived at the station. Mr Constable hopped onto his bike and raced after Julie with his siren bearing out loud.

Julie's heart began to beat against her chest, all she wanted was to be rich but now she's on the run just like her grandfather.

Suddenly the hover pram ran out of Pixie dust and the pram plummeted into the Pixie tree house.

Ulrik lost his grip and the Ruby fell into Queen Quineta hands.
The Queen smiled and wished for Julie to be locked up and for Ulrik to be brought up in her care.

The gem shimmered brightly and poof. Mr Constable handcuffs Julie and handed Ulrik to Queen Quineta.

Julie was locked up in jail for a very long time. While Queen Quineta and King Kayden brought up Ulrik teaching him how to be Royal.

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