Emma and the Electrifying Power Cut

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April showers poured down on Pixie Valley. Thousands of Pixies were holding mushroom brollies to keep themselves dry.

Emma strolled through the valley splashing into puddles as she made her way towards the Launderette as she had an important call.

"Hi Emma,"

"Hi Lisa, what's the problem."

"All my washing machines have shut down and their over heating."

Emma got down on her knees and fiddled around removing parts of the washing machine.

"Yuck," Emma screeched, "I'm terribly sorry to say this but you'll need to shut down the shop as the cause was lime scale building up around the drum. You'll need a whole new set."

Lisa wasn't happy but she agreed and closed the shop until further notice.

Emma sets off back into the April showers making her way back home when a huge storm hovered over Pixie Valley which struck the Pixie phone lines which fell into the river.

Soon the river filled rapidly which caused a massive flood through Pixie Valley.

The huge waves swirled and crashed against the stores windows, smashed through the park knocking over the Pixie rocket and tore the Pixie tree house apart. Even the Pixie train station got flooded. All the trains were toppled off the rails.

All of a sudden a huge black out shut down. No electricity ran through the stores and even the Pixie hospital needed power to care for their patients.

Emma spots Captain Yasmine sailing through Pixie Valley. She waved her arms frantically trying to get her attention.

"Captain!" Emma yelled.

Captain Yasmine, sailed towards Emma, "I'm in an emergency I'm heading towards the river."

"Then I'm coming with you, I be able to help by fixing the power box."

Captain agreed and they both sailed towards the end of the river.

When they arrived Emma and Yasmine tried their best to budge the Pixie phone line but it was very heavy. So Emma called for back up on her Pixie cell phone.

"Ryder, It's an emergency. We're at the end of the river. Hurry!"

Within a flash Ryder flew out of the sky and lifted the phone line. Captain Yasmine drained the water which slowly lowered the flood.

Emma rushed towards the Electricity box and fixed the wires while Ryder fixed the Pixie Phone Line.

Soon Pixie Valley brightened up with sparks of light. Carol and Xena were relieved as the monitors powered back on at the Pixie hospital.
The stores windows were badly smashed but the Pixie knights from the Pixie castle soon had the town looking brand new.
Olivia built another Pixie Rocket which was more better than the other and the Pixie children made another Pixie tree house.
Tiana the train driver and Emma fixed the rails and managed to get the trains back onto the tracks.

Emma the Electrician saved Pixie Valley but with the help from all her friends.

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