Mr Constable and the Mystery

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At the Pixie police station, the sirens were blaring out for an emergency. Mr Constable was riding his motor cycle on his way to the scene.

Mr Constable pulled up by the Grocery store where Gloria was raving about her groceries had been stolen.

Soon Benjamin, Harvey, Emma and Julie with Ulrik were also shouting out in the valley.

Mr Constable blew his whistle loudly which startled Ulrik in his hover pram.
Ulrik bellowed down Pixie Valley while Mr Constable was trying to get himself heard.

"What's all the racket about?"

All the pixies started to rave on which caused Mr Constable to flare up.

"Quiet!" Mr Constable yelled.

The whole of the valley was silent not a single sound.

Mr Constable pulled out a note pad and started jotting down things that has happened.

Every Pixie in Pixie Valley had their money stolen from their shops. Even Julie's hard work was wasted from collecting those precious jewels.

"Sounds to me we have a thief in town. I be inspecting all pixies and I would like the truth."

Well Gloria announced that she arrived to find her shop windows were all smashed and the whole of the shop was bare. Not a single item in sight. They even stole the cash from the cash machine.

Benjamin's bakery was trashed and money stolen and even the other Pixie shops had money taken from their eyes.

Mr Constable checked for finger prints and any clues but none where in sight.

This was a clever Pixie who's very skilled. Mr Constable jotted everything down. Most of the Pixie shops had money stolen from their eyes. Someone in Pixie Valley was lying.

Mr Constable went through every file within his office and searched and searched until...

"I got you now you crafty Pixie."

Mr Constable sped off on his motor cycle towards Pixie Valley when another scream came from captain Yasmine.

"My treasure, its all gone."

Mr Constable was too late to find the criminal.

"Dam!" Mr Constable yelled as he thumped his fist.

"Did you see who it was?"

"No Mr Constable, it happened so fast. I placed my treasure just here and turned to raise the anchor and then my precious medal vanished."

"I wonder who this mysterious Pixie is."

Mr Constable came up with a plan. He took out a gold Pixie coin from his pocket and placed it infront of the boat.

Captain Yasmine and Mr Constable hid in the cabin.
Suddenly a dark black shadow swooped down and gripped the golden coin.

Mr Constable and Yasmine leapt out to find a dark black magpie, stealing shiny gold.

The magpie flew off with the shiny coin in its beak so Mr Constable sped after it on his motor cycle.

The magpie landed at the top of a large light house. Mr Constable slowly climbed the spiral staircase and at the top he found a nest full of food, gold and jewellery.

Mr Constable began to laugh as he caught his thief red handed.

Soon everyone had their belongings back and there was no thief in Pixie Valley. Well we know one Pixie who's a thief and that's Julie but Mr Constable hasn't found out anything about Julie's mysterious thievery from the Pixie caves.

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