DJ and the Dance Crew

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Down at Pixie Valley the sky was cloudy not a spec of rain or shine was seen.
This morning all the Pixies were getting ready for the big event. Which will take place near the Pixie Castle.

Benjamin was baking the worlds largest loaf. Alice was painting another landscape to win the big prize. Julie started juggling lessons but every time she threw the Pixie jewels up into the air, she lost concentration and the jewels came crashing down smashing to smithereens on the concrete path,
which startled Ulrik a young toddler which bellowed down Pixie Valley with its cries.

Meanwhile, DJ was dancing to some hip hop music, practicing his routine before the big event.
Without DJ noticing a little naughty Pixie was peering through the window glaring at DJ as he thought of an evil plan.

"Wait until the big event I will put a stop to you DJ," Nash sniggered as he hurried off home.

Soon DJ remembered the dance and rings Ivy on the Pixie telephone.

Ivy arrived with her flute. They both stood in the middle of the living room. Ivy inhaled and then exhaled through the flute.
DJ started to break dance but DJ didn't like the instrument it wasn't right. It sounded more floaty then jazzy.

DJ came up with a plan. He handed Ivy an electric guitar. Ivy struck the strings which blasted an enormous sound which travelled around Pixie Valley.

Every Pixie marched down the road towards DJ's house.

Mr Constable raised his fist at DJ, "Keep the noise down, everyone can't concentrate with all the racket."

"Mr Constable, it's what you call music." DJ answered.

Mr Constable glared down at Ivy and DJ, "Just keep the noise down or else you both be in deep trouble."

DJ and Ivy apologiesed and turned down the tone on the boom box.

Soon the event began and Queen Quineta and King Kayden announced the Pixie event to begin.

There was Benjamin with his giant fluffy loaf which he sliced into a giant stacked sandwich with salad, meat and a sprinkle of Pixie dust for the finishing touch.

Harvey the hair stylist, waved his hands to cast Pixie dust around the pixies hair. The styles were incredible. There was curley hair, pigtails, short wavy hair.

There was Gloria with the biggest Pixie fruit called Melobarana. It's round like a melon but the inside of the fruit tastes of banana.
She also had Pixie juice which was made from fresh Pixie fruit with a sprinkle of Pixie dust.

DJ and Ivy sets up their equipment and starts playing. Ivy strummed the strings while DJ break danced on the stage.
Nash was jealous of DJ's talent so he pulled the guitar wire which wrapped around DJ's leg and he fell off the stage landing on the concrete ground. Everyone rushed over as DJ was crying out in pain.

Julie rang the Pixie hospital and soon Carol arrived on her Pixie Tiger. She carried DJ back to the Pixie hospital where Xena gave DJ an X-ray.

The X-ray showed that DJ had landed funny moving a bone out of place.
Xena took DJ to a hospital bed and he rested until his leg was fixed.

DJ felt miserable that he couldn't perform to win the prize until.


Everyone came to meet DJ at the hospital also Queen Quineta and King Kayden.

Ivy made a sweet melody for DJ but her nerves began to kick in. Sue the wonderful singing Pixie. Placed her hand onto Ivy shoulder and sang while Ivy played her flute which was so soft and gentle.

The nurses, carers and doctors applaued for their excellent effort.

"DJ you're an amazing dancer." Quineta said as she reached for the prize.
"Because it wasn't your fault that we found out that Nash was the reason. You deserve this medal for your performance. You're the best dancer in Pixie Valley."

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