Yasmine and the Yelling Siren

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Captain Yasmine sailed the sea, searching for something important. She drank her rum as she steered the ship. The ship swayed left to right as the waves crashed against the base of the ship.

Captain Yasmine checked her map and there was a giant red cross on an unusual island just out from Pixie Valley.

Soon the wind showed Yasmine the way and there was a beautiful island full of trees, sand and food but no shelter.

Captain Yasmine pulled up near the island and took her tools along to search where the mysterious item was.

Captain Yasmine hacked through the jungle with her machete. The jungle was full of creatures. Even the mosquitoes were drinking blood from Yasmine's arm.

Yasmine swatted the mosquito but after awhile red lumps were showing from the mosquito bites. Too much blood had been drained.

Captain Yasmine didn't give up she crossed the smelly swamp, went through caves that were booby trapped and finally found a large statue of a monkey head.

There lies her treasure inside. Yasmine raced towards the head of a monkey and flicked a switch where the mouth slowly dropped.

Yasmine glanced inside and took her time to walk inside. There was just a bit of light shining through the monkey's eyes.

There shining in the middle of the cave was a treasure box full of gold and jewels.

Yasmine rushed in and accidentally triggered a switch. The Monkey head cried out like a loud siren bellowing loud and the whole cave began to crumble. Yasmine gripped the treasure box and hurried out but a boulder fell blocking her way.

Yasmine started to panic as more boulders dropped from above. Captain Yasmine was in trouble.

An emergency call at Ryder's rang out and Ryder flew through the air towards the island. Ryder swooped into the monkey cave and saved Yasmine just in time before a boulder crushed her but Captain Yasmine lost her grip and the treasure fell back into the cave.

Ryder placed Captain Yasmine onto her ship. Captain Yasmine dropped to her knees and began to cry.
Ryder tried to cheer up Yasmine but she kept on thumping her fist on the deck and cursing the treasure.

Ryder just laughed as he steered the ship back to Pixie Valley. While Captain Yasmine drank her rum.

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