Peter's Postal Service

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Once again heavy storms were heading towards Pixie Valley and Peter the postman had to deliver mail.

Peter gathered the postal bag and wrapped it over the Pixie delivery birds neck then climbed onto its back and took flight.

"If I hurry, I be able to finish before the horrible weather arrives."

The giant pixie delivery bird flew around Pixie Valley while Peter posted letters and parcels through the pixies doors.

Next Gloria needed an emergency for more groceries so Peter gathered her parcels together and placed them near her shop.

The Pixie delivery bird gave out a mighty cry to warn Gloria that her parcels have arrived.

Gloria came wondering out and that thanked them both for the quick delivery service.

"you better hurry Peter, a storm is about to hit any second."

"Thanks Gloria, I just got one more delivery to do and then I be heading back home. Speak soon."

Peter and the Pixie delivery bird took flight and headed towards Pixie castle where Queen Quineta and King Kayden were waiting for there important letter to announce to the Pixie Valley.

Peter flew past the Pixie rocket, flew past captain Yasmine and Tiana at the train station.

Then suddenly a clap of thunder, rain and a harsh wind picked up. Peter was so close to delivering the mail when the clap of lightning clapped near the Pixie delivery bird giving it a fright.

The wind howled and the rain got into the birds eyes. Then Peter lost his grip to the letter and the letter flew away in the wind.

Another clap of lightning struck the delivery bird wing and the bird plummeted down towards the forest and crashed into the lake. The poor bird cried out in pain.

Peter unmounted the bird and tried to calm him down by stroking its head. But the delivery bird still squarked and squarked as the lightning struck the trees.

Suddenly a harsh fire flared up, surrounding Peter and his Pixie delivery bird.

"Help, anyone there help!"

Someone heard Peter and the birds cry it was Wilson.

Wilson hurried over and sprinkled Pixie dust. The Pixie dust danced around the delivery bird which healed its wounds.

Peter thanked Wilson and Peter searched for the letter but it had vanished. The letter was nowhere in sight.

The fire began to spread but there was nowhere to escape.

Wilson smiled, "No need to worry young Pixie. I'm Wilson the wizard Pixie and I will use my Pixie dust to vanish this outburst of flames."

The old wizard casts his Pixie dust around the forest which slowly disappeared the flames.

All that was left was thick black soot hovering within the air.

So Peter and the delivery bird took flight once again into the storm heading towards Pixie Castle.

When Peter arrived the Queen and King was furious with Peter.

"That letter was important! How could you lose an important letter. You will be beheaded for what you've done!" the Queen yelled.

Peter knelt down as the Queen raised her sword but stopped suddenly, when the back doors blast open.

"Your majesty, I've claimed your letter."

The Queen was shocked by who was delivering the letter.

"Thank you young man," said Queen Quineta.

Peter glanced over to thank the Pixie who saved his life and also was shocked by who it was.

"Nash! Err thank you."

"Your welcome."

This was weird as Nash was always naughty was something up.

Soon the weather calmed down and the King and Queen arrived at Pixie Valley with the letter to announce a big event is happening at Pixie Valley.

King Kayden opened up the letter, "I announce that everyone is welcome to Pixie mountains tomorrow where the Queen and I be climbing to find mysterious gems.

Julie's eyes brightened up by the word gems.

Queen Quineta interrupted, "There was one Pixie who saved the day and that Pixie was Nash.
Nash was the one who found our letter within the storm and brought it back to us.
So I raise a glass to our hero Nash."

Every Pixie couldn't believe there ears, has Nash really changed.

Nash walked up to Alice," Alice I know we never gotten on in the past but would you like to be friends."

Alice didn't know what to say. Her body trembled with fear as usually he would tackle her to the ground and pull on her hair.

Mr Constable stepped in, "Alice, Nash has learnt alot at the police department. Please give him a chance."

Alice smiled and accepted Nash as a friend but Ivy  and DJ still thought things were fishy with Nash.

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