King Kayden and the Mysterious Knight.

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At Pixie Valley a huge thunder storm clapped around Pixie castle. King Kayden was very busy ordering his pixie knights to find a mysterious gem. Brighter than crystal or gold.

The Pixie knights flew off in all directions searching for this gem.

Queen Quineta stormed through the doors,"Have they found my precious gem." the queen asked sternly.

"My lovely Quineta, they will bring the gem back in no time."

Days went by and no sign of the Pixie knights. The king started to worry but once again Queen Quineta stormed through the door.


The king shook his head.

"Then I order you to get the gem before it's too late!"

The King jumped out of his throne and hurried outside.  He leapt onto his glamorous horse and sprinted through the Pixie forest searching for anything shiny.

Soon the king arrived at the middle of the forest and found rainbow coloured gems glistening within the light.
He stood by the gems and was about to gather them up for the Queen when a Pixie Knight arrived with a strange hover pram.

"My lord, the Queen has bad news. She has become extremely ill."

Without thinking, the King raced off on his horse out of sight.

The Pixie Knight started to giggle and slowly revealed herself. The Knight was actually Julie the Jewel hunter up to her tricks once again.

Julie gathered the rainbow gems and hid them within the pram with Ulrik.

But behind her was King Kayden who just remembered that his Pixie knights don't have hover prams, "I've caught you red handed Julie. Hand me back the gem.

"Ah hahahaha, as if King Kayden I'm the greatest jewel hunter in Pixie Valley and no one can stop me."

Suddenly the hover pram had Pixie dust dancing around the bottom. The pram jetted off into the sky with Ulrik cuddling onto the gems.

Ulrik began to giggle as the pram sped past the pixie castle. It flew around Wilson's wizard Tower, through the Pixie train station. It even bounced across the river as Ulrik waved to Captain Yasmine.

The captain was shocked of what she saw. Then there was trouble Pixie knights flew past, chasing after the hover pram.

The hover pram flew through the Pixie hospital, giving Carol and Xena a fright.
Suddenly the Pixie knights blast through the door knocking Carol flying.

The Pixie knights slid across the polished floor and made a right disaster.

Julie caught up with Ulrik and quietly sneaked around the corner out of sight.

King Kayden was furious, he yelled at his knights to find Julie. Julie thought that the King had gone and came out of hiding.

The King gripped her arm and held onto the hover pram tightly.

"Hand over the gems, Julie."

Julie gave King Kayden the gems under Ulriks blanket.

Ulrik bellowed a thunderous cry. The King's heart melted and he gave Ulrik the gems back, leaving one for Queen Quineta.

King Kayden handed Queen Quineta the brightest gem that's been found, a red glowing gem with misty smoke inside.

Queen Quineta threw herself at the King and gave him a tight squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

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