Lisa and the Foamy Liquid

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At Pixie Valley the weather became very cold like icicles. The fields were covered in white snow. The roads were full of ice and hardly any food at the Grocery store as winter doesn't do well for crops.

Pixie children building Pixie dragons out of snow. Climbing the Pixie mountain to slide down on there sleighs and even Nash was up to no good.

Nash was at the Launderette with his mother. Nash was getting bored and started to misbehave. He sprinkled lots of  powder into the washing machines as his mother turned on the machine on a hot wash.

The clothes bagan to spin while the water flothed. Nash chuckled as he left with his mother until they return later on.

Lisa was bored watching the washing machines going around and around every day but at least she had a window to look outside as find out what the world was up to.

Mr Constable was slowing down the traffic as the roads were slippy. Fandango was over at the pond cracking the ice with a rock so that he could catch some fish.
Olivia the Crazy scientist was out near her Pixie rocket making crazy experiments.

Lisa got board again, she huffed and puffed until her eyes began to drop. Suddenly a loud crash, bang, wollop was coming over by the washing machines.

Lisa glanced over to find lots of bubbles pouring out of the drum.
Lisa rushed over and there was a huge mess. The whole shop was flooded.

Lisa rushed towards the door and pulled but the water was forcing the door shut and the water began to rise.

With all the bubbles in her face, Lisa found it hard to find the Pixie Emergency phone. In the end the poor Pixie began to yell really loud trying to get someone's attention.

But the whole street was busy and didn't notice Lisa trapped in her shop.

Another washing machine burst but then an enormous explosion erupted out of the pipes. The water began to rise faster as Lisa rapidly forced her fist against the window.

"Help! Help me!"

Mr Constable caught a glimpse and hurried over to help. He pushed and pushed but some reason the shop door wouldn't budge.

The water had risen towards the roof and Lisa had to hold her breathe. Mr Constable rang Emma as fast as he could.

Emma arrived with her equipment which was strapped around her waist. Emma pulls out a hammer and whacked the shop window which shattered the glass.

Soon the water gushed out and Lisa slid across the icy road gasping for air.
Mr constable checked on Lisa while Emma fixed the pipes, washing machines and saved everyone's clothes.

Nash and his mother was on her way back when Nash started to get worried.

"I believe these are yours madam."
Mr constable asked sternly.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Nash's mother asked.

"You put too much powder into the drum which caused the pipes to flood. Lisa was lucky to still be with us as she was trapped inside the shop which was flooded.

Nash's mother glared at Nash," What have you done this time! Just go home!"

The mother apologised for what happened and retrieved her clothing and punished Nash for his mischief.

Lisa came too and thanked Mr Constable and Emma for saving her life.

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