Violet and the Vulture

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Today at Pixie Valley there was a mad rush. Everyone in Pixie Valley had ordered parcels.

Peter and his Pixie delivery bird couldn't keep up and was out of breath. Even violet was helping delivering the parcels in her van.soon the petrol was running low and the parcels were getting out of hand.

Suddenly a special delivery arrived but this box had holes in it and was making alot of noise. The box rattled and shook. Then poof the lid blasted open and a Vulture flew off escaping out of the Pixie post-office.

Peter and Violet tried to catch the bird but it was too late the bird was long gone.
Violet read the box and the parcel was for Zain the zoo keeper. This was bad as Zain hated his animals on the loose.

Violet jumped into her van and sped off searching for the Vulture. It didn't take long with all the racket it was making.
The Vulture was perched on the Pixie rocket and Olivia the old wise scientist was hanging out the window trying to shoo it away.

"Olivia! Please keep very still. I need to catch the bird in this net."

But Olivia wasn't paying any attention and she blasted a loud horn which startled the bird.

The bird flew off and Violet chased after it while cursing Olivia's name.

The Vulture perched on the wizards tower and Wilson was shouting at it.

" Get out of the forest you bird, you don't belong here!"

Violet arrived and also had an ear full.

"No one is allowed to enter this forest why don't you listen! No one listens to me! Please just leave."

"Im here for that Vulture, Wilson. I need to deliver it to the zoo."

"Why you just standing there get up there and retrieve the bird."

Violet rolled her eyes and called for back up. Peter arrived on his delivery bird with a net gripped in his hand.

The delivery bird swooped down and Peter swung the net but missed as the Vulture leapt across the roof.

Peter tried again but this time he approached with care. The delivery bird approached so slowly that the Vulture didn't realise what was happening. Peter swung the net and caught the bird in the giant net.

Peter handed the Vulture to violet and  waved goodbye to Wilson.

"And don't come back!" Wilson yelled.

Violet and Peter arrived at the zoo where they handed the Vulture over to Zain the zoo keeper.

Zain let the Vulture free in the giant garden with all the other animals. It swooped and dived. The Vulture was very happy and loved the other animals company.

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