Fandango and the Pixie Forest

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Today at Pixie Valley Fandango grabbed his fishing rod and bucketful of bait and spent the morning at the pond.

He waited and waited but not a single bite hooked. Fandango overheard a conversation. It was zain the zoo keeper talking to Olivia about Pixie forest with a lake full of fish.

Fandango collected his belongings and hurried towards pixie forest. Fandango trod carefully through the beautiful forest which was full of plants, animals and Pixie fruit such as a lemokiki a fruit which was very sour for Fandango.
Melobarana has ripened on the trees ready to be picked and juicy raspcurrents growing on lush green bushes.
Hundreds of mushrooms sprouting here and there and giant Pixie crystals glistening different colours of the rainbow.

Fandango searched and searched but he couldn't find the lake all he found was a tall tower.

Fandango entered the tower to find a dark mysterious room full of cobwebs, bats and lots of bottles of potions on a shelf.

A short wizard Pixie called Wilson was slouched over the couldren, pouring colourful liquids and sprinkling Pixie dust into the couldren. The experiment began to bubble letting out thick colourful smoke.

Red, yellow, orange, green and blue even purple smoke was floating around the room.

Fandango began to cough and then asked the wizard a question, "Have you seen a lake nearby?"

Wilson gave an evil stare, "Leave the fishes alone, I've warned you."

Fandango didn't listen and left the tower in a mood and searched the forest for the lake.

After a while a sparkly lake appeared before his eyes. Fandango hurried over and casted his rod.

Soon Fandango was reeling in hundreds of fish ready to be eaten but suddenly the forest, plants and fruit started to wither away.

Just Wilson the wizard, stood in the middle of nowhere very displeased with Fandango.

The wizard casts a spell on Fandango which cursed him with Pixiepox. Bright red large boils started to form on his skin.

Fandango was shocked by what was happening and asked for the wizard to remove the spell.

"The spell will only be removed if you free the fish into a pool of water."

Fandango grabbed the bag of fish and raced around searching for a river, lake or anything with water but Fandango couldn't think because the boils started to itch.

Fandango scratched a boil which caused it to spread.
Fandango sat on the harsh ground and thought hard. Suddenly he remembered the pond at Pixie Valley.

Fandango raced to Pixie Valley towards the pond. He released the fishes which were gasping for a drink into the pond but the Pixie pox hadn't faded.

Suddenly Wilson appeared, "Have you learnt your lesson to never fish at Pixie forest again. Those creatures are out of bounds. You're not allowed to harm any creature in Pixie Forest."

"I understand. It won't happen again." said Fandango.

Wilson sprinkled Pixie dust around Fandango. Soon all of the Pixiepox began to fade.

Fandango thanked the wizard. The wizard smiled and zapped Pixie dust into the air. Soon Pixie forest started to grow, plants, trees and even the lake and Pixie fruit returned.

Fandango learnt his lesson that day to respect all the living creatures within Pixie forest.

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