Olivia and the Octopus Experiment

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Olivia had a crazy idea come to her mind she wanted to test her experiments out on a creature but an unusual one not from Pixie Valley.

She packed her belongings and hurried to the Pixie rocket to take flight.

Olivia started up the engines and a blast of energy flared out from the engine. The whole of Pixie Valley rumbled like a massive earthquake had erupted.

The Pixie rocket took flight into the sky, past the clouds and into space.

Space was amazing a shooting star flew past, lots of other planets that's never been searched before.
The sun was blaring in the distance like a huge volcano burning its last energy.

Suddenly Olivia spotted a small blue planet which had very strange creatures swimming around. She flicked the landing switch and the rocket landed inside the planet.

The rocket landed near a rock pool which had loads of creatures that Olivia has never seen before.

There were fishes with giant fins that could rip your skin to shreds with the sharp edges. Tiny crabs waking side ways while snapping there claws warning Olivia away.

Then something caught Olivia's eye a giant eight legged creature rose to the surface.

Olivia jumped with excitement as her experiments be a blast finding out things about this creature.

Olivia fetched a giant net and ran around the rock pool trying to catch it. The creature was really fast swimming that Olivia couldn't keep up.

Soon Olivia came up with another plan to use the 2000 vac which is attached to the rocket.
Olivia punched in some code and the giant hoover sucked up the eight legged creature.

Olivia did some experiments trying to find out what this creature could be all of a sudden the machine began to go mad.

This species is a giant octopus called a Kraken one of the deadly creatures that took down ships with one blow.

The Kraken began to get frustrated as it was getting prodded by needles so it swung its tentacles which made the machine get tangled.

The 2000 vac smashed onto the rocks and the kraken broke free. The kraken wrapped its tentacles around the rocket squeezing the metal.

Olivia started the engines and a blast of flame engulfed which burned the tentacles. The kraken released the rocket and the rocket took flight heading back to Pixie Valley.

Olivia was sad that her experiment couldn't come with her but at least she got to see another planet and the kraken with her own eyes.

Olivia landed the rocket and was about to leave when she heard a rustling noise. Olivia turned to find her experiment had worked. All the data she collected has created a clone of the kraken. There in front of her eyes was a baby kraken.

Olivia was so pleased she took her experiment to the zoo keeper zain where it'll grow up big and strong.

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