Ready to start new? - Raphael Santiago

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You used to be a mundane that was bitten by Camille while you were out on the streets.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago

Trigger warning: blood

Request: //


You wandered through the streets of New York. It was around midnight and the moon shined bright. You felt miserable. Your throat was dry, you were hungry, thirsty, but no food or water could help it. You haven't been sleeping since two nights and it was a riddle how your body still worked.

You don't remember what exactly happened. All you knew is that you woke up in front of an old abandoned hotel with weird bite marks on your arms and your neck. You were afraid that people would call you a freak, so you told nobody.

After an hour of walking through those dark allies you decided to sit down. Your legs were aching and your head was throbbing, the dryness in your throat still there. You rested your back against a wall, closing your eyes. Soon darkness greeted you and you slipped away in it.

You tried to open your eyes, but a burning appeared so you closed them again. A huge weight rested on your chest, your legs, your head, your arms. Actually your whole body.

You opened your mouth, wanting to scream but all you noticed was the scent and the taste of earth. Adrenaline was rushing through your veins and you started to move your body, pushing the dirt aside. It was easier than you imagined and soon your hand was reaching the outside.

Cold air passed by your fingers. With your remaining energy you pulled yourself out of the dirt, breathing in deeply as soon as you reached the surface of your grave or whatever it was.

You dug your hands into the earth and pushed you out of the dirt completely, laying down on your back, still breathing heavily, though it didn't seem to help.

The aching in your entire body was enormous, the dry feeling in your throat a burden. You screamed because of the overwhelming throbbing pain and closed your eyes when you heard someone beside you.

'I know this situation isn't working out for you now and I know you feel miserable but I will help you.' A deep male voice with a Spanish accent.

You reopened your eyes and saw the silhouette of a tall man. He put his hand under your head and lifted it a bit, dragging something towards your face.

'Open your mouth. The pain will fade, I promise.'

You kept your mouth closed and just felt a liquid being poured over your lips. It burned. But it burned so good. You opened your lips and some fluid ran into your mouth, giving you another rush. You drank whatever the stranger gave you and shortly after it, you know he told the truth. All the pain was gone.

As all your energy came back, you sat up and looked around, confused and scared but it was all too much for the moment, so you kept silent.

'You're taking this quite good. Usually they run away.' The man was still there. You had forgotten about him.

As you looked at him you could make him out better. The man had dark hair and eyes, incredible pale skin and was muscular.

Not understanding what he said you looked at your hands. The skin was pale too, almost glowing in the darkness.

Again the stranger said something. 'I am Raphael Santiago, and who are you?'. You felt a strong hand gently being laid on your shoulder and answered.

'That's a nice name to carry for eternity. I know it must be hard for you to believe but I need to tell you, that you are a vampire now.'

His voice may sound calm and his whole aura in general was silent but you began to get a bit angry.

'I just dug myself out of a pile of earth and all you have to tell me, is that I am a bloodsucker now? For g...'

A sting in your entire body ebbing out immediately.

You tried to say god again but after several stings you gave up.

'God? It will take you a while to get to say his name again.' Raphael chuckled.

Closing your eyes you thought about everything, about the fact if you should believe him. Vampires are creatures invented by some people who wanted to scare little kids.

But after everything that happened the last moments, let your doubts vanish into nothing. The small bite marks on your body, the permanent hunger that can't be stilled with food, not being able to speak gods name, the pale skin.

Raphael pulled you out of your thoughts. 'Y/N, we have a hotel full of vampires. Come with me. The sun is about to rise and trust me, light is not nice to us. You can't go back home to your family. We are your family now.'

He stood up and grabbed your hands, pulling you up too. His hands now rested on your shoulders.

'Are you ready to go? Ready to start new?' He gave you a bright smile with the intention to cheer you up.

You nodded. There was nothing else to do. Going with him was your only option for now.

Raphael took your hand and started to go his way...

Well, your way in a new life.

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