So innocent - Sebastian Verlac

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You are a nephilim and live in the Londoner Institute.

Characters involved: You, Sebastian Verlac

Triggers: none

Request: BlueWolf_RP


Sebastian Verlac was hot.

But an idiot.

A pretty hot idiot.

And whatever you did, your paths always led you to him, just like his paths led him to you.

You two weren't exactly friends. Yeah, you knew each other for quite a while now, but you never really had a normal or nice chat. Your communication consisted out of mocking each other.

"Sending message to Y/N. Are you pretending to ignore me again? First of all, that's not clever while training and second of all, I know that I am way too hot to be ignored and you won't stop looking." Sebastian ripped me out of my thoughts.

We were in the training room, both with wooden sticks in our hands. "You and hot? Have you looked in the mirror today? You look like shit."

He raised his hand and laid it on his chest over his heart. "Ouch, that stings. But honestly, I can only give that back."

You took the stick and poked him in the stomach. It made him almost fall over to the floor. In the last second he caught himself.

"Oh, I see, little Verlac is tired and doesn't want to train anymore. Wait. I'll get Thomas... He's four years old and just began his training. He's probably as good as you." You mocked him.

"Y/N, you better watch your mouth, or we will get in big big big trouble. You'll notice, once you hang upside down the institute with a rope around your legs. You have a pretty deep sleep." He gave back, smirking and standing straight again.

"Why would you know that?" You asked, the stick still in your hands.

He chuckled. "Because I sometimes sneak into your room at night, wanting to make a photo and sticking it at the pin board  of the institute when it looks embarrassing, but you are pretty adorabale when you sleep."

You rose your eyebrows at that. "Guess I have to lock the door in the future. Anyways, at least I don't snore and cause an earthquake. I would go and see a doctor if I was you."

"Okay, now that..."...

You booped him with the stick in the stomach again and interrupted him.

He rolled his eyes and continued. "It's enough, you can't just..."

Boop Boop.

"Y/N, what I want to say is that..."

Boop Boop.

You giggled.

Sebastian grinned at you. "Okay, if war is what you want..."

You two began to fight against each other.

"Come on, show me what you can do." He teased.

You continued to equally hit him with the stick and defend his attacks off.

"Is that all you can do? The best you can do? Seriously? Naw, so innocent." He teased you more and more until you had an inner temper tantrum and hit his stick another last time.

Sebastian's stick broke into two pieces.

"Naw, you broke my stick. I'm gonna tell your mommy." He playfully curled his lips into a sob and looked at the floor.

That was enough for you to turn around, throw the stick away and leave.

The connection between you and Sebastian was exhausting and cost a lot of energy. But he meant too much for you to just cut him off and stop bothering.

This evening you skipped dinner and just stayed in your room, scrolling through social media. You weren't in the mood to cope with Sebastian right now but BY THE ANGEL, that dude wouldn't spare you of anything.

It knocked at the door and he immediately came in, closing the door behind him and laying down right next to you in the bed.

"What are you doing?" He asked quite adorabale, peeking into your phone.

"Avoiding contact to you." You said dryly and cold.

He huffed and kept staring in your phone, while you scrolled through the feeds.

After a while of silence Sebastian found his voice again. "Why don't you like me?"

"Because you constantly tease me, annoy me, you hit me, you hit ON me, call me names, embarrass me in front of everyone..." You started the list.

"No, shut up, not true. Just shut up." He seemed to be hurt by your words and turned onto his stomach, holding himself up with his elbows.

"Make me." Without thinking the sentence slipped out of your mouth.

Sebastian shrugged his shoulders, a slight innocent smile on his slips. "Okay."

With that he grabbed you by the waist, pulled you closer, leaned over you and pressed a kiss onto your lips. 

Not one of those slow and awkward kisses that people had when they first kissed.

It was pretty passionate and heated and instead of fighting it off, you enjoyed it fully, digging your hands into his hair.

After a while you broke the kiss to get some air.

"Is that all you got? That was just 2 minutes and like 15 seconds.... Oh, now I know what you mean with that teasing. I suppose that can get annoying after a while." He said and smiled.

When Sebastian genuinely smiled, the world seemed to fix itself.

He still leaned over you and not knowing what to exactly do, you looped your arms around him and pulled him into a warm embrace.

Sebastian returned the embrace and buried his face in your neck, smiling, mumbling a:

"Can I make you shut up again?"


I really struggled writing that chapter for some weird reason, so thank you my parabahoney batcher aka kait-astrophe for helping me out with this one.

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