Blood-Flu - Raphael Santiago

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You are a vampire and live in Hotel Dumort.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago

Triggers: Vomiting, Blood

Request: //


You vomited another load into the bowl of your bathroom. Vomiting was probably not the accurate definition. There was just constant blood coming out of your stomach.

It was like as soon as you drank and the fluid reached your stomach, it got repelled and came right out again.

Never experiencing a sickness while being undead the last 5 years, you were pretty worried but you weren't even able to get up and get help from someone else.

Your whole light favourite shirt was covered in the dark red fluid and your face was smeared with it.

After another three sessions of blood coming out of your body, someone knocked onto the door of your bathroom.

"Y/N? Are you in there? Is everything alright? Can I come in?" You knew it was Raphael.

Wanting to say 'Yes, come in.' there was just a harassed scream coming out of you. Talking hurt. It felt like a burning in your throat.

The door flung open and Raphael rushed towards you, kneeling behind you, stroking your back.

Another river of blood came out. It covered the floor. You were embarrassed and just wanted to cry, but Raphael tried to comfort you.

"We call that the blood-flu. It's okay. It will be fine again. I've had it too when I was your age. But once you had it, you're immune." He gently stroked your back.

Another load of blood went into the white toilet bowl. Feeling a bit better now you took a deep breath.

"Yeah, that's good. Take deep breaths. I'll get a bucket and a new shirt for you. Then you can lay down in bed with a warm blanket. It's a bit too cold in here, don't you think?" He sounded calm and encouraging, then he left to get the things mentioned.

After three more sessions of throwing up, you knew it was more or less over. There wasn't anything else in your stomach. It was completely empty. And it definitely made you feel a lot better.

Some minutes later Raphael came back. He got a wash cloth out of your cabinet and dampened it with warm water.

"You shouldn't lay in bed like that." He said while kneeling down in front of you, wiping the blood from your face, hands and arms away. Then he helped you change into the new shirt.

Luckily your pants were still clean. But your favourite shirt... It was wrecked. There was no chance of getting the stains out of it.

But right now you didn't care. You were too tired and weak.

"Let's bring you to bed. You need to get some rest. I promise, when you wake up you'll feel way better." He smiled brightly, stood up and held his hands out to help you up.

Your legs were too weak to stand up, so Raphael needed to lift you up from the cold floor and carry you to bed.

He put the warm blankets over your body and stroked the hair out of your face. You grumbled. It made him smile.

"I remember the time I had the Blood-Flu. It was bad. Really bad. I didn't make it to the bathroom and threw up onto Magnus sofa... With Magnus on it. A lot. I puked for hours until I fainted and Magnus had to portal me back home to Camille." Raphael was wrapped up in his thoughts.

You had to giggle lightly. He rose his eyebrows. "You think that's funny?"

Shaking your head you imagined him throwing up blood all over Magnus' living room.

"Well, I rather see you laugh than cry, so go ahead. Laugh at me. Magnus did so too. I hope he never told that story to anybody else."

Raphael talked some more and you could feel yourself getting sleepy more and more. Not being able to keep your eyes open, you closed them, listening to your sire's calm voice.

"I'll check on you in an hour. Get some sleep now, little darkness."

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