You're my only wish - Jace Herondale

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You are a nephilim and the partner of Jace Herondale.

Characters involved: You, Jace Herondale, Valentine Morgenstern, Raziel

Triggers: Death

Request: kait-astrophe


And the last thing you saw was the beautiful face of Jace. Tears coming out of his stunning eyes in a constant flow, the drops of salty water dripping onto your bloody face.

You were dying, you knew, but it was okay. Valentine Morgenstern was dead. And if your death was necessary for saving the downworlders, it was worth it.

"You'll be fine again." You whispered with your last breaths. "Jace, I love you."

With that the last stream of air left your body and no new oxygen went in. You died.

Jace POV

I shook the body underneath me lightly.

"Wake up, Y/N. Come on, don't do this to me! I won't be fine. Not without you. I need you!" I cried out even louder.

But my love was gone. Murdered by Valentine.

I stared over to his corpse. A single stab. Easy and almost painless. He deserved something else. But it was too late for that.

Sitting next to the dead body of the love of my life, I cried into the night.

The stars and the moon shined bright. The light reflected in the glimmering water of Lake Lyn. And it also reflected in the thing in Valentine's hand. The Mortal Cup.

Knowing that the cup could do anything, I got up, just like in trance and went over to Valentine.

Grabbing the artifact I felt its heavy weight. That thing brought so much trouble over our world. It killed so many people, including Y/N.

The Soul Sword laid on the floor, some inches away. I grabbed that one too. It was lighter than expected.

I had the three mortal instruments, that could change the entire world. But there was only one wish I desired and it didn't take me long to decide what to do.

I summoned Raziel.

The bright light surrounding him almost blinded me, his voice made my ears hurt.

"Shadowhunter, you only have one wish, choose wisely."

I took a deep breath and looked back to the corpse of Y/N.

"My only wish... It's... Just bring Y/N back." More tears rolled over my cheeks.

"You could change the world and you choose a single life?" Raziel's voice sounded calm.

I nodded. "Yes, because Y/N changes my life. Y/n is my life. Without her/him I can't exist."

Raziel disappeared without saying anything else and left me alone, surrounded by cold darkness.


It didn't work.

I started to sob. Not only did I waste the only wish that the Mortal Instruments gave us, but I also lost the love of my life.

"Jace?" I heard a soft voice from where Y/N was laying.

I rushed towards her/him, my heart beating fast and hard, it almost hurt.

Your POV

Your whole body ached and you didn't remember anything that just happened.

The only thing you saw was Jace rushing towards you, falling onto the floor, hugging you tight, sobbing.

Wanting to ask him all kinds of questions you were shut up by his kisses. His wet tears stained both of your faces.

"Jace, what happened?" He helped you to sit up.

"Valentine killed you. You were dead. I summoned Raziel and wished for your return." He admitted.

You were just shocked. "You wasted a wish from an angel on my life? Jace, it wasn't worth it."

He shook his head, splashing more tears in every direction, cupping your face. "You're my only wish."

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