Bloodlust - Raphael Santiago

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You are a vampire and live at Hotel Dumort.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago, Clary Fairchild

Trigger warning: none

Request: //


You were on the streets of New York right after midnight, together with Clary. She accepted you being turned to a vampire.

You used to be a shadowhunter but Camille transformed you and now you were part of the vampire clan but over all you liked it.

You hung out with Clary from time to time and you just came back from watching a movie in the cinema. Usually you really liked following the plot of the stories but this time you weren't able to concentrate.

All you heard while 'watching' the movie, were the heartbeats of the mundanes and you smelled the different blood types rushing through their bodies.

Putting yourself together nobody was hurt and as soon as you left the room after the movie it became a lot better.

Clary talked about the film and how fascinating it was. Your mind was somewhere else and you were mad when Clary ripped you out of your own mind. 'Hey, earth to Y/N. Do even listen to me?' She giggled and you simply nodded.

She stopped walking and wanted to touch your shoulder, but you just stumbled back. 'Y/N, are you okay?'

Her heartbeat seemed to get louder, overwhelming for your ears. Her blood smelling so sweet and fresh. You closed your eyes and brought some more distance between you two.

Clary followed you. 'You are scaring me. What shall I do?' Every step she took towards you, she made it even worse.

Feeling the fangs reaching your bottom lip you bit down onto them, hoping your own blood would be enough to make you feel better.

But that just made is worse. As you opened your eyes again, you saw red. You wanted Clary's blood and nothing stopped you from it. What was the life of a shadowhunter worth anyway? There a plenty of them. Only Izzy, Jace and Alec would notice it when she would be gone.

You made some steps towards her. It was now her turn to stumble back. You smelled the fright in her sweet blood and it just made everything more tempting.

Already imagining the taste of her blood a strong hand grabbed you by the shoulder and held you back. 'Clary, you should go to the institute. Or better... Run.' She did what the male voice told her.

That was the final hit. You pushed the strong hand away and wanted to run after her but the man grabbed onto your waist and pulled you back.

Your throat hurt, it was burning, on fire. One of the worst pains you ever had. The strong arms pulled you back and you were pressed against a wall, panting.

'Y/N, open your eyes. Look at me.' You recognized the voice. It was Raphael. You kept your eyes closed. He pushed you against the wall even harder. 'Open your eyes, now.'

You have always been afraid of Raphael. He was a fair leader and would kill you immediately if you did something wrong. And almost killing a nephilim was probably wrong in his opinion.

You opened your eyes this time and looked at your leader. He bared his fangs but seemed so calm. While you, just inches away from him, were heavily breathing, already getting dizzy. You never imagined that something like this could happen to someone undead.

'You need to breath for me, okay. Relax. That happens and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Breathe in and out.' His deep voice reached to your heart but you weren't able to follow his request.

He lifted one of his hands and laid it on your pale cheek, brushing his thumb over your skin. 'In and out. Do it with me.' He breathed in deeply and let the air out again, the breeze hitting your hairline.

After a while you calmed down and your breathing was almost normal again. 'That's better, isn't it?' There was not a single hint of anger or hate in his voice.

You wanted to nod but you were so exhausted, your legs weren't able to carry your weight. You almost sank onto your knees but Raphael caught you and held you up. 'So tired? Don't worry, I got you.' He chuckled.

You looked up to him and began to stutter. 'I am... I don't... I'm so sorry. I don't know what I did.' The burning in your throat was almost gone by now.

He groaned and smiled. 'There's nothing to be sorry about. Bloodlust. It happens to new vampires. We can get it under control.'

You buried your face in his neck and breathed his scent in. 'I just almost killed one of my best friends.' You wanted to cry and if you had been alone you probably would have done it but not in front of Raphael.

'She either understands or she can go and leave you, but I don't expect the redhead to do that. It'll be fine. Believe me.' He still held onto you and squeezed you against his muscular body. 'We should go back to the hotel. You need to get some rest.' 

You nodded into his neck and wanted to separate from him but as soon as he let go of you, you almost fell onto the floor again. Another time Raphael caught you. He lifted you bridal-style. You wanted to riot. 'I can go on my own.' Tears filled your eyes.

'Yeah, I just saw that. It's okay. Don't underestimate Bloodlust. It drains all your energy. I got you.' He began to walk and you rested your head on his shoulder.

The constant movements calmed you down even more and after some minutes you fell asleep.

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