Oh, honey - Magnus Bane

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You broke up with your last partner and have a hard time getting over it so you go out and ask Magnus for advice.

Characters involved: You, Magnus Bane

Trigger warning: breakup

Request: //


Another sleepless night. As soon as you laid  down in order to get some rest your mind turned on and made sleep impossible. Your head was aching and you felt weak, but nobody seemed to understand.

Jace was happy with Clary, Alec had no experience with breakups and Izzy... well, she's Izzy. She comes over guys pretty easy. You don't.

Right after midnight you decided to get up and walk through the streets of New York. Your feet carried you away and soon you stood in front of the apartment of Magnus. Listening carefully you heard music from inside. Calm music. Alec was at the institute, so Magnus was probably on his own. You decided to knock. There was nothing to lose.

An instant later he opened the door, wearing his morning robe. 'Hey, Y/N. Did something happen? Is everything alright?' He seemed to be worried.

You smiled. 'No, everything is alright. Just wanted to visit you. I don't know.'

He took your hand and pulled you into the apartment. 'Once you are here, you can stay for a bit. Some company is always good. Just let me change. Sit down on the sofa.'

You did what he told you and waited until he came back. With a snapping of the fingers of his right hand, a cocktail appeared in front of you on the wooden table.

Magnus grinned. 'Long island iced tea. Just how you like it. With a lot of alcohol. You seem to need it.'

He sat down next to me and I stared at him. 'Excuse me? I don't need alcohol right now.'

He chuckled, picked the glass up and held it onto your lips. You took it out of his hands and let the fluid pour into your mouth. 'Okay, maybe I do need it.'

He groaned. 'I literally heard your heart breaking when you separated ways with your partners. I never thought it was true love between you two. But love is oftentimes a fool.'

Magnus seemed to be so optimistic about everything and for you that was unbelievable. 'How are you still able to keep going after losing so many loved people?' You asked.

'Oh honey, it is hard every single time and I'm already crying about the fact, that one day I'll lose Alexander. His death will tear me apart. But I need to fix myself up again and move on. What other option do we have?' His smile was bright.

'What other option? Well, staying alone for the rest of your life. That's what I am going to do.' As bad as this sounds but another heartbreak would not happen.

His smile disappeared. 'Now you are kidding me. Such a beautiful shadowhunter like you should not stay alone! Every man or woman would be happy to be with you. You have a pure heart and good intentions. Don't screw love because of one dumb person. Not even because of two or three or four dumb people.'

You chuckled, appreciated his compliment and advice. 'You know Magnus, it just seems that most people are dumb. So many don't know the real meaning of love.'

He rose his eyebrow. 'You are (your/age) years old. Do you know what real love is? Let me, an incredible old man, tell you. True love is losing yourself, just to find you in that other person, it means to constantly be attached over distance and time, to be ONE where ever you go. They will appreciate everything you do but won't hesitate to tell you when you are wrong. You'll push through with them in the good and the bad times and in the end even the biggest fight is just another experience that taught you something. Love means forgiving, respect and passion.'

He looked at you with that expression that always made you feel, that everything is just a matter of time and it will be alright. You smiled at him. 'Is it that what Alec gives you?'

He nodded. 'That and even more. He is my everything, my other part. I love him in life and keep loving him even in death. But your partner did not really love you. And I guess you did not love him too. In one week you'll be over him. He cheated on you with a faerie. Seriously? I mean, they are pretty, but not really charismatic and not as close as fascinating as you.'

You groaned as he reminded you of that pretty faerie. 'Guess she was better for him.'

He giggled. 'No, she's not. She's soon going to be in the same situation as you. Your ex is already cheating on her.'

'Well, she helped someone to cheat. Doesn't deserve any better. I mean cheating itself sucks, but helping someone else to cheat is not a royal move either.' You responded.

Magnus got up and took my hand to drag you with him. That surprised you. 'What are you doing?'

He started to laugh. 'We'll expose your ex. Feels good, trust me. And then we'll search someone new for you. Someone with a better personality and attitude.'

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