Bleeder Den - Raphael Santiago

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You are a mundane and addicted to vampire poison.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago, Caleb Alvarez (unknown vampire)

Triggers: Blood, Addiction

Request: //


During the day, you were the son/the daughter of every mother's and father's dream. You had perfect school grades / a sucessful job, nice and caring friends, an amazing view onto a great future.

But at night, while the others slept, you were dancing with the dead.

The bleeder den.

You came here at least once a week, mostly three times or sometimes even every night, depending on your mood and needs and let the desire take over you.

The bleeder den was your refugee since your early teenage days and you knew it would be one until you die, exactly here.

But what is a Bleeder Den, you may ask yourself. It's simple. It's where the living and the dead come together to give each other what they desperately need. Mundanes give their blood and take the vampire venom, vampires give their vampire venom and take the blood.

It's a giving and taking.

Some people may think it's cruel and it's an addiction and you would lie if you talked against that.

You know that you were playing with death every single time you came here. There just has to be a fledgling without any experience that gets overwhelmed and voilà... one mundane life less on this big wide world.

So you found yourself some company and stayed with them every single time. Her name was Cara. You didn't know more. But she was gentle and stopped when you said so.

It was right past midnight when you entered the stuffy night club. The irony smell of fresh blood immediately hit you. You felt like home.

Grinning you went over to the corner where you usually met up with Cara and sat down. The people knew you by now. You were one of the youngest mundanes to ever visit the Bleeder Den, but since you have been here for so long, everyone accepted and stopped questioning it.

After waiting about half an hour, you started to get impatient. Cara didn't show up and from earlier experiences you knew, that she would not show up within the next few weeks. She probably had one of her Bloodlust phases and she was luckily wise enough, to just stay at home to protect mundanes of her possible actions.

But you just had to get a bite. So far this day sucked... this whole week sucked. You haven't longed for a bite since a long time.

Looking around you saw a few vampires that you knew, but not too well. There was no other chance today. Even someone unknown would do the trick for this time. What was supposed to happen? Nothing. Just this one time.

As if someone read your mind, a male vampire took place right next to you, squeezing you more into the corner.

He grinned, showing off his pearl white fangs. "I'm Caleb Alvarez. And who do I have the pleasure with?"

You returned the smile. "Y/N."

He took your hand and kissed the back of it. "Beautiful name. You look young. A little too young to be here to be exact."

"Let that be my worries. I think I have been here more often than you. I've never seen you here before... to be exact." You always banned them with your slightly sarcistic smile and attitude.

"That's what I like to hear. Are you here for getting a bite?" He asked.

Stupid question. No, obviously you were here for the tasty Pina Coladas and the fancy atmosphere. Deciding to not answer that in fear of losing your bite, you just nodded.

"You're save with me. Tell me when to stop."

You were pretty sure that you weren't save with him, but you didn't care and it didn't matter.

Caleb already leaned into your direction. You just craned your neck and let him do his thing.

He quickly found your vein and without further ado, he let his fangs sink deep into your neck.

It hurt a lot this time and you tried to flinch back, but he was stronger and wrapped his arms around you.

For some weird reason there was no real vampire poison kicking in like usual. Usually it made you dizzy and it felt like clouds, but now everything was heavy and dark.

Struggling more and more to hold yourself up, you screamed out a "Stop!", but he didn't.

Not until someone literally pulled him away from you and threw him into the wall of the opposite site of the room. You tried to hide the corner, blood running down your collar bone.

The man who pulled Caleb raised his voice. "You speak english since 127 years... Then why is it so hard to understand a clear and loud 'Stop'? You could have killed the mundane, Alvarez. Go. Don't return, or you'll be completely dead."

Nobody around you even looked at your direction. They were all busy with giving and taking. It was a wonder that the dark haired man even saw you in the corner.

He turned around and went some steps closer towards you. "I am Raphael Santiago and you are definitely too young to be here. You're bleeding. Let me help you."

Being in a literal shock, you couldn't even react and say, nor do something.

The man with the dark hair and eyes pulled a pocket square out of his suit and gently pressed it onto the wounds of your neck.

The moment your eyes met his, he smiled.

He removed the pocket square some minutes later. "The bleeding stopped. It will be fine." He said encouraging, licked his fingers and pressed them onto the wounds again for some seconds.

It may seem weird for others, but you knew that the saliva of a vampire helped to sooth the pain and it helped to close open wounds in a short amount of time. Now you didn't have to come up with an excuse for puncture wounds on your neck tomorrow.

After he was done closing the wound, Raphael laid his hand onto your shoulder and squeezed it softly. "If you want the bite in some years, come to me and I'll give it to you. Eventhough I would not really recommend it. The life of a vampire is pretty hopeless. And you're definitely too young to possibly die now. Enjoy the sunshine a little more. If not for you, then for us. And now I'll bring you home. It's a dangerous world out there."

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