Holy Ground- Raphael Santiago

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You are a vampire and live at Hotel Dumort.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago, Simon Lewis, Magnus Bane

Trigger warning: open wounds, death

Request: //


You were wandering around the streets of New York, with a special destination.

It was the first time you left Hotel Dumort after your transformation and Raphael didn't know about your little vacation.

After half an hour you reached your desired place: the local cemetery. As a mundane you used to visit your families grave every day, there was no excuse. There was always a candle lit up.

But the vampires kept you away from the outside and babysitt you all the time, because they thought we are not able to go outside between all the humans with beating hearts.

It was right after midnight and it was obvious that you would be alone on the cemetery.

The gate was closed, so you climbed over the fence. You never felt like that before.

Eventhough there were corpses in the earth and it was a place of sadness, you usually felt secure. It was peaceful and quiet after all.

But now it felt constricting and you had trouble breathing. Since a vampire did not need air, that was not a problem, so you stopped breathing. It would get uncomfortable after a while, but that's it.

You channeled your way through the rows of graves until you reached your families gravestone. It has always been very groomed and it looked pretty with fresh flowers and a lit up candle... But not now. The grass on top was long and the flower were withered.

You changed the candles and lit it on fire. Usually you said a prayer at this point, but since you weren't able to say god, it had no use.

You just sat there, wondering what flowers to plant here next when your legs began to tingle. You stood up, rubbing them. Soon the tingle turned into a slight burn and the slight burn turned into an unbearable pain.

Groaning you felt onto the ground, two strong arms catching you.

You looked up and saw Simon. 'Y/N, what are you doing here? We need to go!'

The pain spreaded to your stomach and now and almost reached your chest. Your hands and arms were also burning like hell.

Simon lifted you up and left with you in vampire speed, bringing you back to the Hotel Dumort.

Right after he passed the door, Raphael, the leader came towards you.

You expected to get the biggest rebuke of your life, but right now the pain was stronger than your fear.

Raphael took you out of his hands. You held onto Simon's shirt, not wanting to leave him. Raphael would definitely kick your ass for sneaking out.

You screamed because of fear and pain, but Simon just loosened your grip and Raphael took you with him.

You tried to riot, crying out big tears. Because of all that effort you began to get lightheaded. 'Simon, get Magnus. Now! Tell him it's important.'

Raphael carried you to your room and laid you onto the small bed. Besides the bed, a nightstand and a little wardrobe the room was empty.

Raphael sat next to you, lifting your shirt.

You rose your head, wanted to see what was causing all that pain but Raphael pushed your head back onto the matress. From the short glimpse, you saw countless blisters and open wounds. 'You're doing great, Y/N. Just don't look at it.'

For your surprise he didn't sound angry at all.

Simon entered the room, with Magnus behind him. Magnus rushed to your side. 'Okay, what happened here?' He looked onto your stomach and cringed.

You were not able to speak, not knowing how to explain, but Simon took the speaking over. 'I found her at a cemetery.'

'Holy Ground.' Both Magnus and Raphael immediately shouted. Magnus grabbed onto your ankles and peeked under the fabric of your jeans. Then he looked onto your hands.

You did not care anymore. The pain already became so enormous, that you weren't even able to scream anymore, just looking at the exact same spot of the ceiling, tears running down your cheek in a constant flow.

'I can heal most of it, but you are definitely going to carry some scars away and it will take a while for the bigger wounds to heal.' Magnus lifted his hands and blue sparks began to wander from his palms to your body.

You closed your eyes, enjoying the fading pain. He took most of the burden away from you.

'It'll soon be over.' You heard Raphael, then you felt someone resting a hand on your forehead. The hand was so cold and felt so good in contrast to your aching and burning body.

Some minutes later Magnus was done and you opened your eyes, Raphael still next to you. The pain was not important for now, you were only afraid of your leader and his reaction. You sneaked out of the hotel against the older vampire's orders and went somewhere where no undead person should go.

You turned away, avoiding his gaze and pretending to not be there but no chance. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. More tears fell on the matress and his hands.

'Please talk to me about it.' Was the only thing coming out of his mouth. The other people left the room.

You stuttered, every word painful. 'I just wanted... you know... go to my families grave. I haven't been there since months. Someone needs to take care of it. I needed to go out... Away... Just for an hour. Please don't be mad.'

He smiled. 'I may be a vampire, but I was raised a good catholic and I understand your intentions. I defenitely do. But a cemetary is a holy ground and it takes a lot of training until we are able to stand on that for more than some seconds. You almost died. If the holy water would have reached your heart, you would be dead.'

All you could mumble was a 'I am sorry.', when your eyelids became heavy.

'Now, get some rest. We will figure it out once you feel better.' He stroked your forehead while you drifted into a deep and painless sleep.

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