Hold still - Simon Lewis

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You are a vampire and live at Hotel Dumort. Simon is your best friend.

Characters involved: You, Simon Lewis, Raphael Santiago

Triggers: none

Request: //


You were sitting in your room in the Hotel Dumort, your nose burried in one of Raphael's books, when someone knocked onto the door.

"It's open." You shouted and watched Simon enter the room. He had some things hidden in his hand and you immediately knew that he was up to something.

You laughed. "What is it this time?" Simon tended up to come up with the weirdest and most fun ideas ever. That's why he's your best friend.

"Promise me to help." He sat down next to me, the objects in his hand still hidden.

You chuckled. "I promise, as song as we don't hurt somebody except ourselves."

He laughed too and opened his hand. "That's what I wanted to hear from you... I want a piercing." There was an earring and a pointy needle for sewing in his hand.

"Hell, yeah. We'll do this." Just now you noticed that it's the same kind of earring that you always wear. A small silver ring one.

As if Simon read your thoughts he explained: "You know, when we both wear the same earring, it's like a friendship bracelet, just a lot more badass and painful."

You giggled at his idea. "Okay, lay down, we'll do this. I hope you have a high pain tolerance. I don't pierce an ear every day... Actually I've never done it before."

He laid down, placing his head on your lap, watching you with big eyes. "Wait... what if it goes wrong?"

You rolled your eyes. "We're vampires. What's suppossed to happen? If we mess up, the wound will be closed three seconds later. Don't be such a crybaby."

He nodded and turned his head, to give you better acess to his ear. You took the needle in your hand and placed it at his earlobe.

"Wait! We didn't even disinfect it. It could get infected." He didn't keep still, so you brought some distance between his face and the needle, with the fear to poke his eye out because he was moving so much.

"Again: You are a vampire. We are literally dead. An infection won't kill us." He nodded another time and turned his head back to reveal his earlobe.

You placed the needle again. "Wait! What if it hurts? I really don't have..."

"Simon, for g.... (still stumbling over that word) sake... It will hurt like a second and then it will be fine. Hold still and shut up."

You two were having a little discussion when the door swung open. It was Raphael.

He stood in the doorframe, his arms crossed in front of his chest, an annoyed expression decorating his face.

You just stared at him, Simon waved.

Raphael rolled his eyes. "I'm not too sure if I actually wanna know what the hell you are doing right now... I just wanted to tell you, that the whole Hotel can hear you."

You shrugged your shoulders and left the explaining up to Simon. "I really want to have an earring but I'm afraid it might get infected or Y/N will mess it up."

Raphael laughed softly. "You're a vampire. What is suppossed to happen? Just hold still. I want to witness this mess."

He closed the door behind him and sat down onto the chair next to the desk in your room.

You placed the needle on Simon's earlobe several times but he wouldn't stop moving.

"Raphael! Would you mind helping me? Hold him still. Imma throw a temper tantrum soon when he keeps wasting my time by constantly moving." You looked at Raphael, he smiled at you.

"You have an eternity. It's not possible to waste your time." He wanted to tease you.

A puppy look later he gave in, sitting on top of Simon, pressing Simon's hands down with his knees and holding his head with both of his hands.

If someone would have come in at that moment... You didn't want to imagine.

Placing the needle at the earlobe you pushed it through without any effort. Simon started to scream.

A second later the earring was in the right place and Raphael separated himself from both of you.

"Whole New York just heard you... Great job..." He chuckled.

Simon ran to the mirror and looked at his earring with a proud expression.

Raphael left, whispering a "Why do I need to have the weird fledglings..."

A/N I created a new Shadowhunter-GIF book, maybe you wanna check it out. I appreciate every feedback.

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