Impressive - Alec Lightwood

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You are a shadowhunter from London who lives in New York in a small flat. The nephilim in the institute there don't know that you exist and you always fight on your own.

Characters involved: You, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Herondale

Triggers: none

Request: //


Three demons down, one more to go. It has always been your passion to kill those creatures, end their cruel lives. After all, that's what you have been born to do. Fighting, killing, protecting downworlders and mundanes.

The last demon made it's way towards you. You grinned widely, adrenaline rushing through your veins, the seraph blade in your right hands pulsing in bright light.

As the demon hit one of his tentacles under your knees to make you fall onto the floor you caught your balance by flipping your body through the air. One hand movement later the demon was gone, send back to hell because of you. Mission completed.

You turned around and wanted to go when three people stepped out of the shadows. From the runes that decorated their bodies you could tell, they were nephilim themselves.

The three came closer, a blond guy, a girl with a way to short skirt and a dark haired boy.

The dark haired boy began to talk first. 'Wow. Impressive. Killing four demons on your own, not that easy to achieve.'

Known for your sassy attitude you began to get even more cocky, hating it when someone underestimated you. 'And who are you to judge over what is easy or not? Four demons are nothing.'

And you meant what you said. There were times when you fought against ten demons at the same time only to kill them all within five minutes. You knew your worth and talent.

He stared at you with his dark eyes, not being able to give an answer.

The girl began to speak. 'Those are my brothers, Alec Lightwood, Jace Herondale. And I am Isabelle. We were sent to kill those demons actually.'

So much surface to mentally attack. 'Well, seems like you were too slow, Lightwoods and why ever you are a Herondale. Anyway, how would you have fought them without showing every inch of your body?'

You looked down onto her. The skirt was barely covering up her butt. Someone is confident with her body, as it seems.

Turning around you wanted to go. The nephilim began to bore you when Alec's voice appeared again. 'Who are you and where did you learn to fight that way?'

'So many questions I don't want to answer.' You chuckled and continued to walk away.

Around the corner someone held you back, grabbing onto your shoulders and pressing you against the wall. Big brown eyes stared into yours.

'I asked them anyway and expect an answer. It's a bad idea to try to play with me and my siblings.' His facial expression was serious and strict.

Only some inches separated your faces and you could feel his hot breath on your lips.

'Y/N, London.' Short answer.

He groaned and rolled his beautiful eyes.

'Are you here alone?' Alec kept talking.

You simply nodded. His hands still pressed you against the wall.

'Why?' It sounded concerned.

You began to laugh. 'Because I don't need anyone to babysit me. You saw that I can do pretty much anything on my own. Other people just stand in my way.'

'You just killed four demons without almost no effort and say it's nothing? You should join us in our institute.' He smiled and let his hands sink down, grabbing onto your wrists now instead.

Thinking back you did not want to join an institute again. It was a normal thing to do for shadowhunters to live in a community but you never cared about that. So many rules you tend to break.

'Living with so many rules is not exactly my thing. I'll rather stay alone.' You teased him and it worked.

Alec moved his hands to your waist now, squeezing it softly. 'No, you shouldn't. You have so much talent. You would help us a lot.' He smiled and showed off his incredible white teeth.

'You would regret it immediately.' Sometimes your behavior brought people over the edge, driving them insane.

He still smiled. 'I really doubt that. Give it a try. We would make a pretty good team.'

You decided to give in. The offer of spending time with this handsome man was just too tempting.

That just made him smile even brighter. 'I'll arrange a room and everything you want.'

Alec removed his hand from your waist and you stepped away from him in the opposite direction.

You threw a glimpse back onto his confused face. 'The institute is in this direction. Where are you going? You are wrong.'

Taking some steps you walked right in front of him, closing almost all the distance between your faces. Alec began breathing faster, goosebumps spreading all over his body. You giggled about the reaction you set off within him. 'First: Never accuse me to be wrong. Second: I said I'll come. But not when. We want to keep it interesting, don't we?'

Again you turn around and go, this time without looking back but you know his face was blushed, and he was still breathing heavily, already missing your presence.

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