Help me or die - Raphael Santiago

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You are a mundane and work in a small clinic in New York.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago

Triggers: Blood, Kidnapping

Request: ItSmYwAyToDoThInGs

Disclaimer: Raphael isn't a vampire in this one, he's a mafia boss


Your shift was almost over and all the nurses took over. There were only three patients in the clinic and you decided to go and use the opportunity to get an evening off.

Getting into your private clothes you grabbed your bag and turned around to go, when somebody suddenly grabbed you by the throat and pulled you into one of the examination rooms.

Not being able to scream, the intruder turned the light on.

It was a tall man with dark hair and eyes. He was tanned and wore a black suit. One of his hands were bloody and from the bulge in one of his pockets, you saw that he had a gun.

"If you scream, you're dead. Do you hear me?" His voice was strict and showed some hints of a hispanic heritage.

You nodded and he let go of your throat. Wanting to flinch back, you couldn't, since you were already pressed against the wall.

"Help me or die. Your clinic was perfect, almost no witnesses. I am injured... Little tussle I got myself into. Bandage me up or something." The man ordered while he brought some distance between you two and sat down on the examination table to put his jacket off and unbutton his shirt, just to reveal a wound that must have come from a bullet, right in the shoulder. 

You walked towards the cupboard and took some materials out of it, having no other chance than to obey.

Putting gloves on, you walked towards him with a syringe of local anesthetic, a pair of pliers and a small metal bowl.

"No, no, no, put that syringe away." The man said, raising his eyebrows.

"It's just a local anesthetic. The pain would be unbearable." You stated.

"You say that, but I don't believe you. Also my pain tolerance is pretty high. Away with the syringe. Now." He ordered and you did so.

Stepping in front of him you were hit with the scent of blood and musk.

It was a miracle that you were so calm and your hands didn't shake when you examined the wound that left streaks of blood down the muscular man's upper body.

"I'll have to remove it with the pliers. It'll hurt, a lot." You warned him and hoped that he would scream out of pain, so the nurses would hear and call the police.

As you pushed the pliers into the wound to grab the bullet, the man bit down onto his fist to stop him from screaming. Your plan failed.

It also didn't take you long to find the bullet and take it out of his body. It was a golden bullet, that he immediately took.

"Evidences. My people need to have a look on it." He said and smirked. He smirked. After getting shot. You questioned his mental state.

Taking a bandage you wrapped the wound up. He truly had a high pain tolerance.

"I would advise you to stay here over the night, but I have a feeling that you don't care about that." You stated.

He chuckled. "No, not really. The real question is, what I do with you?"

Your heart started to beat faster once again. "With me?"

"Do you think I'll just let you go? You could call the police, and they would search for me everywhere. I'm the most feared mafia boss in the world. I can't risk getting caught." 

He had a look on the bandage you did and you saw a chance to flee, turning around and running away, but the man simply caused you to trip with his own feet, so you fell and your head hit the floor. Everything went black.

You woke up on a couch, your feet and also your hands tied together.

Looking around with blurry view you saw the familiar face of the man you helped before.

"Now that I'll keep you here for a lifetime, I may introduce myself. I am Raphael Oritz Santiago. You probably heard about me in the news. Autographs are for later. And you, my dear, are going to stay right here with me. So I might as well get to know your name." He said while coming towards you, and kneeling down in front of you.

"Y/N. I swear, I'm not going to tell anybody about this, but please just let me go." You begged, just wanting to leave.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Y/N. But why do you want to go anyway? To go back to that nasty clinic that probably won't hold up for the next few weeks because you almost get no patients? Or to go back to your nasty one-room-apartment in Linwood Street? And before you ask, yeah, I know where you live and I also knew your name. I just like to know if people lie to me or not. Seems like you're too innocent to lie." He stated while untying your hands and feet.

"Don't even think about fleeing. All the doors are locked and the walls are soundproof and I really don't want to kill you. You seem like nice company." His smile was mesmerizing.

As much as you hated to admit, but he was right. You had no reason to go back to your old life, but being part of the mafia didn't sound like a plan either.

You tried to sit up, but your head still felt dizzy and you fell back again, almost fainting. Raphael lifted your legs and sat down next to you, putting your legs on his lap.

"What do you think about when you hear the word 'Mafia'?" He asked you.

"Murder, drowning people in the Hudson River, robbing money, making millions..." You wanted to extend the list but Raphael interrupted you, smiling.

"Billions and billions, my dear Y/N. And you could be part of it. And even if you don't. I'll keep you here and you'll see, eventually we'll grow to be good friends."

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