I don't want to hurt you - Simon Lewis

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You are a nephilim and live at the New Yorker institute. Your best friend Simon Lewis has been kidnapped by Valentine and you try to save him.

Characters involved: You, Simon Lewis, Valentine Morgenstern, Alec Lightwood

Triggers: blood

Request: -BookBeauty


Simon POV

"I can't believe that someone would voluntarily live as a down-worlder. You used to be a mundane. A normal human being with dreams and hope... And now you suck the blood and life out of innocents." Valentine walked up and down in front of me, a sharp dagger in his hand.

He kidnapped me out of nothing. Apparently the only reason for that was the fact, that I am a vampire.

"I never killed someone. Raphael trained me. I can control myself. I could never hurt someone. Just let me go, please." I begged.

He smiled widely. "You don't deserve to live, misfit."

With that he took the dagger and slices through my throat. I a numb throbbing and the cold blood running down my undead chest. This shall be the end.

I just wanted to see my love one more time...


"Alec, let me go inside! Simon is inside!" Alec held you back by the shoulders, squeezing you against his body.

"Y/N, I know that he's your best friend, but it's too dangerous. It's probably too late now anyway." He sounded strict, not a single hint of understanding or love.

You tensed up even more. "I will not give up on my best friend, just because you are a little unsocial asshole. You will never understand it."

With that you bit into his hand and kicked him into the knee. Then you ran inside the building.

After some minutes you heard some noises and followed them. It was the room of the head of the institute. You grabbed your weapon and opened the door, just to see Valentine and your dying best friend.

His throat has been slit open, blood poured out in a steady flow.

"Nephilim, go, as long as you can. I won't kill you. We both carry the blood of an angel." Valentine tried to sound nice, but it made your insides boil.

You ran towards Simon and sat down next to him onto the sofa. He looked at you with his half closed brown eyes. Trying to smile he groaned out of pain.

"If you save him by giving him blood, I'll let you. And then I'll kill you both. You are not better than him then." The played kindness disappeared.

You grabbed Simon by the nape of the neck and leaned him against you. Almost all of his strength was gone. You raised the sleeve of your jacket and placed your wrist in front of his mouth.

Simon tensed and tried to turn his head. "Y/N, I don't want to hurt you. I can't. I just can't. You mean everything to me. I'd rather die than hurt you."

You shook your head, tears in your eyes. "If you die, it will be an unbearable pain. Biting into my wrist is nothing. Go ahead, do it. Simon, I need you. Please."

With that he slowly embraces your arm and sunk his fangs into the vein in your wrist. A sharp pain appeared that ebbed away seconds later.

Stroking his hair back you let it happen. Some moments later he stopped.

He seemed to be alright, the slit in his throat was healed.

Simon cupped your face. "Are you okay? I am so sorry, Y/N. I could not live with the fact that I hurt you. I... I love you. Y/N, I love you."

Tears filled your eyes once again. "I love you too."

You embraced his wrists with your hands.

"I don't mean it in a best friend way. I love you... romantically. I..." He started to ramble and to stop it, you did a simple thing: You pressed your lips onto his.

He reacted immediately and gave into the kiss. Your lips moved in sync and it felt just right.

He pulled you even closer and pressed his body against yours. You were sure he felt your heart beating.

"Pathetic..." Valentine rolled his eyes and sat down, bored, waiting until you finished.

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