Let Me Show You - Jace Herondale

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You are a nephilim and live in the New Yorker Institute. You're crushing on Jace.

Characters involved: You, Jace Herondale

Triggers: none

Request: MazeCrankQueen


It was an idea out of nothing. You weren't able to sleep and thought how amazing it would be, to be able to play the piano.

And that's when you watched some tutorials on YouTube, got dressed into more casual clothes and sneaked to the music room is the west corridor at 2am in the morning.

You knew that the doors and walls there were soundproof and also hoped that nobody would find you, to spare yourself the shame of not even being able to know the sounds of all the tiles.

But your best ideas always came at night, so you silently closed the door of the music room and turned the light on.

The room was filled with instruments. Violins, cellos, pianos, flutes, everything that a musician's heart would desire. Not to mention that you are not talented in music at all. You listen to it, that's all.

Sitting down in one of the pianos you pressed a tile and the sound echoed through the room. How hard could it be to learn the piano?

Very hard.

You soon noticed that and it definitely discouraged you a fair bit. You watched more videos and pressed the tiles (the wrong ones) and it sounded horrible.

Failing to press the right key once again, you slammed your hands onto the piano, getting a loud sound out of it that almost hurt your ears.

"Well, that was definitely the wrong move." A voice in the door said.

You turned around in shock and saw Jace standing there, grinning brightly.

"Since when are you watching?" You asked, your cheeks flushing in a bright red and your heart beating fast. It was embarrassing.

Jace chuckled, closed the door behind him and came towards you. "Long enough to see you struggle hitting the right tiles. Let me show you."

You shook your head no and crossed your arms behind your back. "I'll just go to bed. I don't know why I even tried. I'm not talented. Not like you."

His grin changed into a soft smile when he placed himself behind you. "Talent is not the biggest part of it. Obviously it gives you a boost in the beginning, but practice is the more important part. And we're going to do that now."

Again you shook your head no. "Not all the practice in this world is going to help me with that. You're wasting your time."

He grumbled. "I'm never wasting my time when I am with you."

Jace took the hands from your back and put them back onto the piano tiles. Your smaller hands were right below his bigger ones. His skin was incredibly warm and soft.

Placing all his fingers right above yours, he started to explain. "Relax your hands. I'll guide them. You need to start to get a feeling for the tiles. You need to figure out the rhythm, the speed, how hard and long to press down. Name me a song."

Your hands relaxed. "Do you know 'Tears to shed' from the movie..."

He interrupted you. "Corpse Bride? By the angel, I love that movie. Of course, I know the songs. It's a good one to start with. Are you ready?"

You nodded and let his fingers press yours down onto the tiles. You were certain that this is not the usual way to learn to play an instrument, but you quite enjoyed it this way.

For the first time this evening a beautiful melody echoed through the room. After some seconds you felt Jace coming closer. He leaned down and his chest gently pressed against your back, sending tingles through your body. Feeling his minty breath on the side of your neck, took your own breath away.

The moment was magical and you were too sad when the melody stopped.

"That was good for the beginning. I think that we can make a great musician out of you. But great musicians need their beauty sleep, so they can stay concentrated throughout the day. It's almost 4am. You should go back to bed and try to sleep a bit." He whispered into your ear.

The moment he stepped back from you, an uncomfortable cold went through your body. He took the warmth with him.

You stood up and looked at him. He had slight bags under his eyes. It was 4am after all, even for him. "Why don't you go to sleep?"

He smiled softly. "I wish I could get some sleep but I'm on on-call service. Just came home from a mission before I came here to hear you hit the piano. My shift is over in some hours. Let me walk you to your room."

All you could do, was returning the warm smile and stepping towards the door next to the blonde Shadowhunter.

You were grateful that your room was at the opposite corner of the institute, so it took you two some time to get there, his presence a secure harbor.

Even a two-hour walk would have been too short for you right now and you were disappointed when you reached the door to your room some minutes later.

"What would you think if I said... 10pm this evening in the music room for another lesson?" Jace smiled.

You returned the smile. "Sounds great. Thank you, Jace."

"Okay, I look forward to it." He said, looping his arms around your shoulders and embracing you. You returned the hug and laid your arms around his torso.

After a while standing like that, he went away and you could have sworn that he pressed a little kiss on top of your head.

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