You smell so good - Raphael Santiago

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You are a mundane and Raphael is your best friend. You know that he's a vampire.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago

Triggers: Blood

Request: Armycpr


"Nooo, Y/N, what are you doing with my bed? You're totally messing it up. I just made it." Raphael screamed while you laid flat into his bed, hugging the blanket tight.

Raphael and you have been best friends since one year now. You two made amazing memories.

He let himself drop next to you and buried his face in the blanket, putting the hood of his hoodie over his head.

You were pretty much the only person that saw this side of him. The chill and casual, funny and almost vulnerable Raphael and you felt honored and proud about that.

Sometimes it felt like you knew him all your life and you deeply hoped that you'll always know him and that he would be there until you die one day.

You poked him into his rips and he tensed up.

"Stop it. I swear, I'll return all of it." He warned you.

Obviously you took that as a challenge and you started to tickle him. He wasn't ticklish at all, but very sensitive to human touches. He once explained to you, that a simple touch of a human could send shivers through a vampire's body because of all the living energy that we radiate.

To this day you underestimated his powers, so it definitely surprised you when he grabbed you by the waist and tickled you until you were crying because of laughing so much.

"RAPHAEL STOP. If you don't stop I'll literally pee." You shouted in between laughs.

He stopped immediately. "Hell nah, not in my bed." With that he gently pushed you from his bed, which just made you laugh even more.

"I made you food. Paella. You like that, don't you? If you're hungry I'll quickly warm it up again." He said while standing up.

"I'm not hungry yet, but maybe later. For sure later. Will you eat with me then?" You asked innocently, standing up and leaving the room with him.

"But I have to spit it out afterwards. That's disgusting." He said and shook his head laughing. It was true. Vampires couldn't digest, and so they couldn't really eat and instead spew it out again.

"Then have a cup of blood. I don't wanna eat alone all the time." You protested and sat down with him on the sofa.

He turned the TV on. "We'll see."

You watched some Catfish until you got bored. Your attention span wasn't the biggest, so after an episode, you wanted to annoy your buddy again.

He has been really silent the entire time. Usually he commented every single scene when you were watching TV.

As you looked at him, you noticed that he was really pale. Yeah, he's a vampire, he's always pale, but right now he was paler than ever before.

You came closer until your thighs touched. He just tensed and moved a meter away from you.

"Did I do something wrong?" You asked, pouting.

"No such thing, Y/N. I just think that you should go." That sudden mood change almost made you speechless.

"So I did something wrong?" You asked again.

He shook his head no. "No, you didn't. I'm just hungry and I don't want to do something I'd regret."

Raphael didn't even look at you.

"Then I'll get you some blood. It's behind the painting, isn't it?" You already stood up and went into the direction.

"It's empty. I gave my portion out to Simon. Catarina will bring the next load tomorrow. We had a new fledgling that was really hungry. He drank almost all the blood, including Simon's meals. He got mine now. I need to pass the night and I can't do that with you around. As much as I like you being here, it's too dangerous." You saw the struggle he had concentrating on the words.

"Do you think you could stop once you bite someone?" You asked, coming closer and crouched down in front of him.

He simply leaned back. "I could, but I'd still hurt you. You would be very weak afterwards and I don't want to do this to you."

"Well, but I want you to do it. I hate to see you suffer." You simply stated.

He still shook his head no.

"You literally make me food every time I come here, even though you don't even eat. It's a giving and taking. You can have some of my blood." By now you made your mind up with it. You wouldn't leave before he drank something.

"Please don't make me hurt you. I couldn't forgive myself." He closed his eyes and leaned his head onto the back of the sofa.

"And I couldn't forgive myself when I left my best friend suffering. Drink, just this once. I once talked with Izzy about it when we went to the institute. She said it doesn't hurt at all." You stood up again.

"I never drank much of her. Only some drops. If I'd bite you right now, we're talking about at least one liter." He opened his eyes again. They were sparkling.

Making the final move you straddled his lap and put your arms around his neck. It wasn't meant as a flirt, you just tried to make him as comfortable as possible.

"I don't care if it's a liter or less or even more. But what I care about is your health. I need you. Healthy and alive." You whispered, stroking over his cheek lightly.

"You smell so good." He noticed and smiled faintly, placing his hands on your hip.

"Stop flirting, start drinking." You craned your neck to give him better access and leaned forward.

You couldn't even wait for pain, it immediately came and went away as fast as it appeared. The sharp pain when he drilled his fangs into the vein of your neck hurt, but then something else set in. Something like a rush.

You felt your body getting heavier by the consuming and wholesome feeling. Raphael sat up straighter and looped his arms around your upper body to support you and hold you in place.

After some minutes he stopped drinking so intense. He slowed down and just licked the remaining drops of blood away that poured out of the small puncture wounds.

Feeling weak you simply kept resting your head on his shoulders while the older vampire stopped drinking completely and stroked the back of your head.

"What you just allowed me to do... It's one of the most selfless things someone could do. Y/N, I love you. I can't even explain how many things I feel for you since the moment I met you." He confessed.

Not being able to hold your head up properly, you just whispered a "Why haven't you told me before?"

He chuckled. "Being a-sexual doesn't exactly boost love-confessions."

You laughed a bit. "I accepted the fact that you're a vamp... Why the hell would you think I'd have something against you being ace? I love you for you. Just as much as you love me for me."

And with that you drifted away in a deep sleep out of bloodloss and exhaustion, still on the lap of Raphael, cuddled up in his arms.

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