What is it like to have a parabatai? - Alec Lightwood

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You are a shadowhunter and live in the New Yorker Institute. You thought about getting a parabatai.

Characters involved: You, Alec Lightwood, Jace Herondale, Raphael Santiago, Kait Robinson, Lily Petrova

Triggers: none

Request: kait-astrophe, also dedicated to I_Aspire_to_Inspire and MazeCrankQueen


You have been playing with the thought to get a parabatai for a fair while by now. You felt like something was missing, especially when you saw Alec and Jace and the bond that they had.

Every time you wanted to ask Izzy to be yours, you last minute decided differently. Bonding to someone else wasn't the thing you usually did.

"Earth to Y/N. Are you even listening?" Being ripped out of your thoughts, you startled lightly. Alec was sitting across you at the table, eating some pasta.

You nodded. "Yeah, sorry, just a mess in my head."

Continued to eat, Alec looked at you, worried. "What's on your mind? Wanna talk about it?"

You shook your head no. "It's ridiculous. Don't worry about it."

Alec softly patted your hand over the table. "It's not ridiculous if it keeps your mind busy that much. Come on, tell me."

You sighed and gave in. "What is it like to have a parabatai?"

Alec chuckled. "You're planning to ask Izzy, aren't you? Well, having a parabatai gives you a lot of security. You'll always have each other and nobody is ever alone. Jace on the other hand tends to get hurt, and he's slightly annoying and that means I have that slightly annoying douche bag around me all the time. But it was worth it."

He finished his food and you both stood up, walking back to the entrance hall. "So you think I should go for it and ask?"

Alec stood still and shrugged his shoulders. "I think you should ask Jace and Kait to ask for their opinion. Not Lily. Lily is weird. Maybe some more advices can help you out."

With that he left you to search for Jace, Alec's parabatai. You found him in the training room.

"Jace, what is it like to have a parabatai?" You asked, yelling over his groans that he made while punching the punching bag.

He turned around to you, covered in sweat. "It's exhausting, a lot of work, painful, but I wouldn't change it for anything in this world. Alec has always been there for me and our fighting skills increase so much when we are together. It's Izzy, isn't it?"

You nodded and smiled.

He returned the smile. "The moment I met you, I knew that you two would become parabatai one day. See, I'm kinda busy right now. You should go the Dumort and ask Kait. She may be able to tell you more about it all. She's the one who teaches young shadowhunters about the parabatai bond and all. She'll surely help you out."

"The Dumort?" You were confused, thinking that all nephilim lived in the institute and stayed away from Downworlder-Hotspots.

"Yeah, the Dumort. Her parabatai lives there. She got turned into a bloodsucker after she teased them a little too much. So they both usually hang out at the Dumort, since Raphael wants to keep an eye on them." He explained.

You nodded, turned around, put a jacket on and hurried to the Hotel Dumort. Being inside of the dark and old building, you knew that this is going to be a terrible next hour. The Hotel was filled with death and you couldn't make your mind up, why a nephilim like Kait would hang out there without expecting anything in return.

The hotel wasn't too far away and you soon reached it, screaming Kait's name and knocking onto the door. Some seconds later a dark haired vampire opened it. Raphael Santiago, you met him once and found him pretty scary.

"What is the young nephilim searching right in front of my door? My people aren't too fond of you. We already have a shadowhunter, that's enough." He sounded strict and annoyed.

"Yeah, that's why I am here. I need to talk to Kait.She's..." You wanted to explain, but Raphael interrupted her.

"I'll bring her here. Don't move and don't go inside. I couldn't guarantee you to get out alive again." He smirked, turned around and left.

Some minutes later a tall brown haired girl appeared in the door.

"You were searching for me. What do you need?" In comparison to Raphael her voice sounded gentle and calm.

You nodded and started to explain once again. "What is it like to have a parabatai? I heard that you teach nephilim about it and that you had one your own. She's a vampire now, so..."

Kait interrupted you. "She still is. It's just not official, because the clave doesn't accept our bond. We both still have the rune, for some unexplainable reason."

You didn't quite understand. "Why does the clave think it's not worth being considered a true bond?"

A blonde girl, about a head smaller than Kait, appeared behind her.

"Because the clave is a stereotypical and boring community, that holds on to their strict rules and world-view that downworlders are not worth as much as nephilim and they can suck my non-existant..."

"Lily, keep it shut. We have guests."

So that was Lily, Kait's parabatai. You now saw why Alec warned you.

"To come back to the topic. Your question was, what it's like to have a parabatai, wasn't it?" Kait asked. I just now noticed her british accent.

You nodded and hoped for finally some good advice.

"We always make each other laugh. No matter how dark the day was, at the end of the day we'll laugh about it. We cheer each other up when we don't see a solution or a way out of a terrible situation, no matter if it's my job being stressful as fuck or the moment when Lils died. We came here as mundanes and discovered the dark side, the downworld, and pretended like it's nothing, because you know... we always had each other." Kait started to explain.

"We make each other coffee when we can't keep our eyes open after hanging out until 4 am in the morning, we bake each other rainbow-cookies and cinnamon rolls when we're hungry and we goof around every single second when we are together."

You heard a "Yeah, they do." from the inside of the Hotel, probably Raphael, and saw both of the girls laughing out, Kait showing off her runes on her neck hidden under her hair, Lily showing of the tiny fangs.

Kait continued. "We will always be there for each other, no matter what. So whatever you're planning to do, go for it."

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