Vampire Poison - Raphael Santiago

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You are a shadowhunter (Jace Herondale's sibling) and addicted to Yin Fen.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago, Jace Herondale, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane

Trigger warning: addiction, blood

Request: user47088767


After grabbing your stele and a seraph dagger, you channeled your way through the institute, as fast as you could, hoping nobody would see you on the way.

The door already came in sight when someone grabbed you by the shoulder, turning you around playfully. It was Jace.

You hid your shaking hands behind your back and faked a smile at him. 'Golden boy, what are you up to?' It seemed to work.

'Nothing, really. Just searching for Clary. I thought maybe we could all watch a movie together. Simon kinda got me into this Star Wars stuff. Wanna join, Y/N? Sibling activity? We haven't done that since a while.' He grinned at you.

Still faking a smile and pretending you are alright, you answered. 'Not this time. I really want to go on a walk. Just clearing my mind a bit.' You did this pretty often so you knew nobody would doubt it.

He rose his eyebrows. 'You know, it's cold outside? You don't even wear a jacket.'

Looking down on you, you knew he was right. You just wore a shirt. You came up with an excuse. 'I heard that it's actually really good for your skin to go outside without a jacket while it's cold.'

He just smiled. 'Okay, if you mean so. Don't come back too late.'

I nodded and left. The cold air outside felt good. After a while you began to shake even more and sweat covered the surface of your forehead.

Your hip burnt, like it was on fire. During training with Jace a while ago, you got injured by falling into a pile of blades in the training room. One of the blades drilled through your hip. The pain was unberable and only Yin Fen could numb it for at least some hours.

Just yesterday you ran out of the Yin Fen that that Aldertree gave to you.

But you weren't new to all of this... You knew there was something better than Yin Fen. You experienced it several times back when you spend a lot of time with Raphael Santiago. Vampire poison.

So here you were, making your way towards the Hotel Dumort, where all the local vamps lived.

The shaking and the pain became worse with every step you made. Your sight began to get blurry but you knew you were almost there, so you kept on pushing through.

As you reached the front door, you hit against it with both of your hands, screaming out the name of the clan leader, Raphael.

Soon someone opened the door and you almost fell in. You recognized Raphael because of his dark hair and dark eyes and the not so pale skin. 'Dios, what are you doing?'

You could not answer. You fainted and fell into his arms. Raphael lifted you up and carried you inside, laying you down onto his bed in his room.

As you opened your eyes you screamed out of pain, just to get calmed down by the voice of Raphael.

You met him several times and you two come along pretty good, but since you are a shadowhunter and he is a downworlder and your parents are really strict on that, you only meet on business occasions.

'Y/N, what happened? You smell like Yin Fen? What did you do?' He seemed tensed.

'I'm sorry, Raphael... Please, help me.'

You held your wrist to his mouth but he immediately gripped onto it, pushing it away. 'Y/N, I won't do this. You need to sweat it out. I can help you.'

Tears rolled down your cheeks. 'Just this one time.' You literally begged.

After Raphael shook his hand, you took your wrist away from his hand and grabbed onto your dagger. He wanted to stop you, but you were faster and cut your veins on the wrist open.

The smell of fresh blood let his fangs grow and his desire became too big. He stuttered. 'But just this one time.'

He took your arm into his hand and grabbed you by the waist. As his mouth reached your wrist you felt his fangs slowly piercing into your skin.

A short pain, followed by a lot of pleasure. As soon as his venom reached your heart, you relaxed and the aching in your hip faded.

A minute later Raphael separated from your wrist and fell onto the bed right next to you, his mouth covered with your blood. He stared at you with his dark eyes, high on a rush of nephilim blood.

You slightly touched his cheek, whispering a 'Thank you.' before you fell asleep.

You woke up some hours later to shouts and the shattering sounds of furniture. As you opened your eyes, you saw a blonde man fighting Raphael.

After a second look you realized it was Jace.

"If I ever see your fangs in the veins of my sibling again, I swear, I'll burn the entire Hotel down and kill all of you." Jace screamed out of anger and pushed Raphael onto the floor, hitting him with his fist.

Raphael spit out blood. "Jace, Y/N asked for it. I was trying to help, you need to under..."

Another hit in the mouth followed and more blood poured out of Raphael.

You stood up, your legs shaking. "Jace, stop it. Now!"

The moment he heard you, he stopped hitting Raphael.

"You were doing fine! Everything for nothing! You're coming with me and you'll never see Raphael again, do you understand me?"

Jace stood up and placed a foot on the throat of Raphael. "And you, bloodsucker, you know what I'll do when you once again come close to my family."

Raphael started to struggle but he was surely too weak to defend himself, and so were you.

Good that Alec and Magnus appeared.

"I told you they are in trouble. I felt it." Alec said, while pulling Jace away from Raphael.

Magnus helped Raphael up and held him by the collar of his now bloody shirt. "You gave Y/N your poison? We'll have to talk about that."

They started a discussion but you couldn't witness it any longer. Jace grabbed you by the upper arm and pulled you out of the hotel.

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