I'll teach you - Raphael Santiago

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You are a vampire and living in Hotel Dumort.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago

Trigger warning: none

Request: //


You made your way through Hotel Dumort, trying to find someone to hang out with, since you were bored to death, eventhough you already were dead basically.

It was around midnight and most of the vampires were out, going on parties or feeding. Both of that wasn't exactly your cup of tea. You preferred feeding from an IV and going on partys was not fun, since you weren't even able to get really drunk.

As you walked into one of the living rooms you saw Sierra, an older vampire. You found her to be entertaining and the last years were a lot of fun with her. It was not really a friendship tho.

She was that kind of person who would do the most dangerous and funny stuff with you, including 'flee from the sun' and stealing Simon's merch. All of that was inappropriate, after Raphael, your leader.

But Sierra seemed to be kind of busy. She was high on love, making out with Jeremy, another vampire. Both were about 300 years older than you but they both enjoyed it as much as their first time.

It nearly looked like she ate his face and you rather decided to turn around and go away. Sierra seemed to have noticed tho and held you back in vampire speed.

'Y/N, you're here? You know, Jer and I just had some fun and well, I was wondering... maybe you want to join?' She asked showing her fangs in desire and lust.

You groaned annoyed. 'Do I look like I wanna join? I was just about to go.' You rolled your eyes, almost looking at your brain with that and continued to go away.

Sierra was pretty sensible and gave a rude comment back. 'You just don't want to join because you don't know how to do it and Jer is probably not exactly your type.'

You were furious. 'By hell, Sierra, shut your mouth.'

She giggled. 'Why? Because little vamp still didn't have a kiss of loverboy?'

That hit its spot.

You went back to your small room, throwing the door shut behind you.

The comment hurt you, but you know it was true. Jeremy wasn't your type. You only had one type... or more precise, you just wanted that ONE guy, that was out of reach for you.

You were turned to a vampire at a pretty early age. That was four years ago. And to that day you did not even have your first kiss and Sierra knew but dared to say it out loud.

You felt so many feelings at once. You felt ashamed, embarassed, sad and angry at the same time.

Sierra was such a wrong person. In one second she's the nicest vampire ever and in the next one she wants to stab someone with a wooden stick. You remember the way she laughed at you when you told her that you were crushing on someone, not saying names. 'You are never going to be kissed. Don't get me wrong, you just don't belong here. You are so much younger than all of us and you are nothing special. Why would a guy look at you?'

She was probably right in your mind. Everyone was dressed so fancy and civilizized in here while you were literally running around like a chipmunk on crack with ripped jeans and an oversized bunny hug. Of course nobody would look at you THAT way.

You decided to go up to the roof to think about the current situation. Sierra really hit a weak spot with that comment. The thought of being not loved guided you since years now and you knew it was true, what made everything just even worse.

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