Give him peace - Alec Lightwood

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Shortly after you and your parabatai arrived in New York he died on a mission. You visit him every night at the cemetery.

Characters involved: You, Alec Lightwood

Trigger warning: death, corpses

Request: //


You dressed into your leather jacket and grabbed your stele, leaving the institute. It was right after midnight and the sky was covered in stars. The moon shined bright and dipped your surroundings in a light shimmer.

After ten minutes of walking you arrived at the big cemetery. It was used by mundanes but also for shadowhunters.

Normally shadowhunters rested in peace down in the City of Bones but your parabatai never wanted to end up down there. When you needed to visit the City together in name of the Londoner institute he almost became a panic attack because of the low ceilings and the oftentimes small rooms.

Weird logic. Now he is in a small casket within the depths of earth. You knew it was weird but you often imagined how he looked like down there. Shaking the thought off, you sat down in front of his grave.

The earth was already covered with grass again since he died a while ago. You still returned to his final resting place every single night. It became a ritual. After all you were not that sad anymore. You just wanted to give him some company. He may be dead but maybe be sees you from heaven or hell or paradise or from where ever he was right now.

Wicked in your thoughts someone came closer. As that someone touched your shoulder from behind you turned around and looked up. It was Alec.

He smiled and sat down next to you. 'I saw you leaving every night and I was worried you might get in trouble. I'm kind of relieved to see you here being save but on the other hand it worries me even more because it's probably not good for your mental health.'

You looked at him. 'Don't worry about it. I'm okay.'

He looked at the gravestone. 'I never really got to know your parabatai. What was he like?'

You giggled. 'He was a huge dick and a pain in the ass, always up for trouble, he was mean and always salty. Even saltier than you. But I loved him with all my heart. The moment you broke his rude outer shell, a nice inside waited for you. He cared for the people he loved and would have done anything to protect them.'

Alec began to laugh. 'Sounds a bit like Jace.'

You remembered: Alec was lucky enough to still have his parabatai. They fought side by side and held each other company.

After some minutes of uncomfortable silence he began to talk again. 'Are you really okay?'

You shook your head. Actually not. It was not only the fact that your parabatai was dead but the new institute and new people just stressed you out.

He sighed and laid his arm around your shoulder, pulling you towards him. You rested your head on his neck. 'You really miss him, do you? Maybe you should just give him peace.'

Again I shook my head. 'This whole situation just isn't working out for me. I was supposed to start new here but how am I supposed to do it, when I don't belong to New York.'

He laid his free hand on your knee and began to brush over the fabric of your jeans with his thumb. 'What do you mean, you don't belong here?'

You chuckled ironically. 'Well, you are already a pretty good and trained community and I don't blame you for that. My parabatai and I used to be like that too and I would have loved to begin new with him here. But now I'm on my own and that kinda... sucks.'

He squeezed your knee a bit harder. 'You are not on your own! You have Jace, Izzy, Clary and you'll always have me. I already offered you that you can always come to me.'

You remembered it. Soon after your parabatai died you pretended everything was alright and Alec told you that he'll be there but you just resisted and said that you're okay and don't need anyone. Because of the tone in your voice back then it sounded rude and you knew you hurt his feelings. 'I'm sorry for being a brat.'

Alec giggled. 'Y/N, your parabatai had just died. You were allowed to be a brat.'

You let out a deep breath, being relieved that he was not mad. He continued stroking your knee and rested his head on yours. You sat there for some minutes until you felt some thick drops of rain on your skin.

Alec felt it too. 'We should go back to the institute.' You sighed and both of you got up.

You did not want to go back to the institute. You hated your room. It was so silent and empty without your parabatai/best friend in it but you just nodded, looked back onto the grave and smiled.

You startled as Alec grabbed your hand and squeezed it a bit. You looked into his face and a bright smile appeared on it. You gave it back and let him guide you back to the institute.

After half an hour you were ready for bed. You changed into sweatpants and a shirt and put cream on your skin. The scent of cherry blossoms and rice milk of the lotion always made you feel like home. The moment you wanted to lay down someone knocked on the door. You told them to come in and Alec appeared, stepping in and closing the door behind him.

He was also in his sweatpants and wore a tight black shirt.

Being surprised you looked at him. 'Are you alright?' As far as you remember he has never been in your room before.

'Yes, I am alright, but I know that you aren't.' He sat down next to me, wrapping his arms around my upper body and pulled me with him as he laid back.

As I looked at him he just smiled. 'Is it okay when I sleep here tonight?' The first time you witnessed the strong Alexander Gideon Lightwood being shy. His cheeks blushed.

You nodded and returned the smile. He pulled the blanket over your bodies and you snuggled into his side. Slowly drifting into a peaceful sleep, you felt Alec kissing your forehead and stroking your head.

It was a good way to fall asleep.

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