What's that smell? - Maia Roberts

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You are a werewolf and Maia is your girlfriend.

Character involved: You, Maia Roberts

Triggers: none

Request: TwistedKWorkz


You and Maia have been together for a hot minute now. Last week you celebrated your two-year-anniversary.

Maia cooked Pho and a big cake for you and you... ate almost all of it.

She was known to be very good at baking and cooking and it was true: her food was delicious.

Even after a long and exhausting day at work, she went into the kitchen and made you dinner. When she worked in the nights in the pub, she made you breakfast. Food was her way to show you her love.

You looked at her calm and deep breathing, the angelic face, her soft curly hair and the lashes that threw a shadow beneath her eyes.

It was about 7 in the morning and you were the luckily person to wake up next to the beautiful werewolf.

Out of nothing you had an idea: Make her breakfast.

Carefully pushing the covers back you stood up and went into the kitchen on tippy-toes. You closed the kitchen door and fished a frying pan out of the cabinet.

Pancakes. That couldn't be too hard.

You always watched your mom making them in the morning, so you knew the recipe.

You mixed all the ingredients together, heated the pan up and poured some of the batter in it.

While those were baking, you went over to the fridge and got the milk and some orange juice. Because the juice was right in the back and you had some trouble getting it out silently, you didn't even realize that the pancake was one sided pretty much well done.

Smoke started to develop and you probably avoided a fire last minute by taking the pan away from the heat and waving it in the air. The pancake was burned and so was the pan. The now crusty and dark batter stuck to the kitchen utensil.

You decided to clean that later and got another smaller pan out of the cabinet, as well as some eggs. There was nothing wrong with some scrambled eggs. Nobody ever failed in making scrambled eggs.

You heated the pan up, cracked the eggs and poured the eggs in. You let it cook for some minutes and took them from the stove again when the eggs began to stick to the surface of the utensil... You forgot the butter.

The eggs were only halfway through and it was the last pan you possible could ruin. That definitely limited the option of possible things to cook.

While you set the coffee up and tried to figure out what to do now, you heard someone yawn behind you. "What's that smell?"

It was Maia. You stared at her in shook and blushed. "I... well... I wanted to cook something for us. But it kinda failed."

Waiting for her to laugh at she, Maia just smiled warmly and went over to you to gently press a kiss onto your lips. "You are so adorable. I love you, Y/N."

You smiled into the kiss. "I love you too."

Investigating the mess you made in the kitchen, Maia just shrugged her shoulders. "Now we just need to figure out what we eat for breakfast."

You grinned. "Cold Pizza?"

She returned the grin. "Cold Pizza."

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