Less bitter, more glitter - Magnus Bane

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You are a nephilim and live in the institute. Magnus is one of your best friends.

Characters involved: You, Magnus Bane, Jace Herondale, Alec Lightwood, Madzie

Triggers: glitter.

Request: TwistedKWorkz


You saw black, silver, gold, pink, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple... All the colors to be honest... the moment you went inside your room.

"Surprise!!" A glittery man, that stood right behind the door, shouted. It was Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, little Madzie holding onto his left hand, giggling.

As you looked around, you saw glitter. Everywhere. It laid on your furniture, buried itself in your fluffy carpet, made your bed sparkle... It made everything sparkle.

"If a glitterbomb is what you call a surprise, I'd appreciate it, if you crossed me off your christmas list, Bane. I like glitter and sparkles and all, but could you please remove it again?" You rolled your eyes, but still had to smile lightly.

Magnus shook his head. "Let's leave it like that, am I right, Madzie?"

He looked at the little warlock that was still holding his hand, and the little girl nodded happily.

"What the hell is... Oh Magnus... I should have known that this was you. Even the hallway is covered in glitter. Baby, I love you, but I won't clean that up." Alec came up behind you and seemed a little grumpy.

"Uncle Alec!" Madzie screamed, let go of Magnus hand and rushed towards the shadowhunter. He lifted her and held her in his arms.

"My little Sprinkle, would you mind helping us out and remove the glitter, since Magnus doesn't want to do it?" Alec asked her nicely and for Alec's and my surprise she shook her head no.

"Uncle Magnus always says: Less bitter, more glitter. You and Y/N are always so bitter, so you need more glitter. We're just helping you out." She said and meant it.

Magnus started to chuckle. "I raised her well. It was Madzie's idea to do all of this. And we're not planning to remove it. After being grumpy and bitter all the time, you deserve some payback, my dear Y/N. You know we love you."

He came towards Alec and took Madzie out of his arms, leaving through a portal and thankfully accidentally taking some specks of glitter with him.

And there you stood, surrounded by glitter.

"What are we going to do now?" You asked out loud.

Alec shook his head and laughed slightly. "What do you mean? We? It's your room. Have fun cleaning that up." With that he turned around and squeezed past his parabatai, who appeared through the door frame.

Jace laughed and pointed at the glitter on the floor. "Hahaha you're screwed. You can't remove glitter. Once it's there, it stays."

Being tired of people laughing at you, you bend down, took some pink glitter into your hand and smeared it deep into Jace's hair.

His laughter disappeared as fast as it came. "Are you out of your mind? How am I supposed to ever get that out of my hair?"

"Shave it off. I don't know. It's you hair, not mine." You said.

He ran out of the room, probably planning to take a shower and getting the glitter out, while exactly knowing that it would help literally nothing.

So after all the mess in your room, you at least shared the suffering with others. Alec would have to clean the hallways, Jace his hair and you... Well, you were good friends with Catarina Loss and Lorenzo Rey. 

Less bitter, more glitter. But glitter is definitely better with a warlock by your side, that can help you to remove it again.

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