It's a little too high - Simon Lewis

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You are a vampire and live in Hotel Dumort.

Characters involved: You, Simon Lewis

Trigger: heights, anxiety

Request: //


"Wanna hang some more?" You said after Simon and you reached Hotel Dumort after an evening in the Hunter's moon.

"Yeah, sure. What do you wana do?" He asked, a bright and beautiful smile brightening up his adorable face.

You shrugged your shoulders and went inside the old building, channeling your way up to the roof. Halfway there, Simon coughed and stood still on the metal staircase.

"To the roof?" He stuttered.

You nodded cheerfully, not getting his worries and continued running up, not wanting the night to end just yet.

Simon followed.

The moment you reached the roof, you ran to the edge to sit down.

"Y/N, no, stay away from the edge." Simon shouted, but didn't come further to you.

As you turned around you saw his even paler skin and his hands lightly shaking. It seemed like he was afraid.

"Simon, what is the matter?" You asked and went away from the edge.

Simon seemed to relax a tiny bit. "It's  just... G... That's embarrassing. It's a little too high."

Not believing what he just said, you questioned it. "It's too high? THE Simon Lewis is afraid of heights?"

He nodded quickly and looked down onto the floor, seemingly embarrassed and a little sad.

You came right in front of him and rose his head by grabbing his chin with your hand. His stunning eyes would have made your heart skip a beat if it was still beating.

"It's not really manly... I know. But I can't change it. I have always been and it just became worse when I fell off a roof when I tried to sneak out from home once. Being near the edge or seeing someone there who means something to me... It just makes me so afraid." He admitted.

You shrugged your shoulders. "That's nothing to be ashamed of. We all have something that frightens us and we'd lie if we'd say that there isn't something. Do you want to go back down?" You said while taking another step, taking your courage together and cupping his soft face with your cold hands.

He nodded slightly. You removed your hands from his face, just for Simon grabbing one of them, interlacing his fingers with yours.

When you came back down, you immediately went into Simon's room because it was way bigger and a lot more cozy than yours.

Simon and you got transformed in the same week and you gave each other a lot of comfort when it comes to being a vampire, leaving the family and staying in the Dumort. He became your best friend, but you soon realized that your heart wanted more than just friendship.

You both fell down on the bed. You laid on your sides, staring at each other.

"I hate heights. Why do you like them? That's weird." He joked around, giggling lightly.

"Well, for me heights aren't that bad. But I get why you don't like them." You said, giving him the warmest smile you could offer.

"Then what are you afraid of?" He dryly asked, staring at your your/eyecolor eyes.

You avoided his gaze, but still laughed. "Little or crowded spaces. Caskets, small rooms, caves..."

"THE Y/N is afraid of small rooms and crowded spaces." He gave back teasingly.

You hit him into his shoulder playfully. "Simon, shut up."

"Make me."

Without hesitation you came closer to his face, just as he came closer to yours. It happened so naturally and so full of emotion when your lips met his, in this soft but also passionate kiss.

Finding yourself getting lost in it, he dug his hands in your hair and tugged on it softly, just as you drilled your fingernails into his clothed chest.

After some minutes of making out, you separated, fighting for air, eventhough you didn't need it.

He giggled. "I finally kissed you. Wow, I can't believe it. You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that."

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