I want to sleep - Raphael Santiago

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You are a new vampire and live at Hotel Dumort.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago

Triggers: Insomnia

Request: //


You were wandering through your big room, from one corner into the others.

Raphael told you to go to bed but you couldn't sleep and were super bored.

So you left your room in your sweatpants and your shirt and went to Raphael's room, knocking softly. He opened a second later, looking a little worried.

"Raphael, I'm hungry." You came up with an excuse.

"You're hungry? Well, I told you that you have to drink more. Go to your room, I'll get you some blood." He said, petting your head.

You followed his order and went back into your room, sitting down onto your bed and waiting for your sire, who arrived some minutes later with a big glass of dark liquid in his hand, setting it down on the nightstand.

"I warmed it up a little. I know that you like it more that way. Drink it and then up to bed. It's already late." Raphael smiled and left, carefully closing the door.

You drank some of the blood and poured the rest into the sink, you weren't hungry after all but searched for excuses to stay up longer.

Now you were bored again. Could you annoy Raphael another time? Yes.

You stood up and went to Raphael's door again, knocking onto his door.

He opened it, wearing his sweatpants and a hoodie. "Y/N, what's wrong? Are you still hungry?"

You shook your head no. "I'm cold."

"But we don't really feel anything... we are vampires." Raphael explained, smirking.

"But I'm cold. I'm a special vampire." You gave back, raising your eyebrows.

He couldn't hold back a faint laugh. "Yeah, you definitely are special. Go back to your room, I'll search for another blanket.

Running back into your room you threw yourself onto your big bed that secretly made you feel lonely.

You sat up and waited for Raphael.

"I couldn't find another warm blanket, so you can have mine for now. I'll go and buy a new one tomorrow or so." He arrived in your room and put the blanket over you. It was big and dark gray.

"And now you sleep. I don't want to hear a single sound. If you don't sleep now, it'll be impossible to get you out of bed tomorrow. Sleep well, little blood drop." With that he left and turned the big light off.

You hated the darkness, so you put the light on the nightstand on, a book placed onto it catching your attention.

Reading makes intelligent, it wouldn't hurt to read some chapters.

You were reading the incredible boring book when about 20 minutes later the door opened a little and Raphael peeked his head through, huffing when he saw you reading.

"Y/N, no reading. Sleeping. I don't want an all grumpy little brat tomorrow while training. I know that the whole changing of the sleeping cycle isn't easy, but it's necessary." He went to the bed and took the book out of your hands.

"No more reading, no more excuses, you're sleeping. NOW." He was a little angry with you.

Disappointed and hurt you turned away from him and shook his blanket off.

You heard him leave and close the door and a tear slipped over your cheek. Not because Raphael was angry with you, but because you couldn't sleep.

How do you explain that you have insomnia? "Hey Raphael, I know that I'm dead and all my sicknesses should be cured but well, I had insomnia pretty much all my mundane life long and I try to find excuses to not go to bed because once I lay there and try to sleep all the thoughts keep running, running a marathon, until the sun comes up again... or until it goes down. Being a vampire alone in a big ass room overall doesn't help the problem and you being pissed, surprise, makes it even worse." Is this what you say?

No. So you just prepared for another sleepless night.

Fidgeting with your fingers you heard the door opening again and the bed tilt slightly behind you. Knowing it was Raphael checking on you and probably complaining again, you didn't even bother to look at him.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. But you do this almost every night. I don't know to react anymore. I shouldn't be so strict with you. So if you want to stay awake, we can do that." He said softly while placing a hand on your shoulder.

"I want to sleep." You answered.

Raphael took the blanket and draped it over you, tugging you in, wiping the hair away from your forehead that still faced away from him.

"But I can't." You finished your sentence, still not looking at him.

You felt himself laying down next to you with some space in between.

"When I couldn't sleep, my sister always told me a story that she heard about in her school. Do you think that would help?" He asked caring.

You shook your head no. "I don't think so."

"Then let me change your mind." He said while placing one hand back onto your head, giving you the feeling that you weren't alone.

"Fee - Fi - Fo - Fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he living, or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread..."

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