You'll get used to it - Magnus Bane

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You are Azazel's child and grew up in Edom. You were brought up here and now you would have the chance to live a normal life. This change of a lifestyle is harder than expected.

Characters involved: You, Magnus Bane

Triggers: none

Request: BlueWolf_RP


You were wandering through your flat. From one corner into the other, from one room into the next.

It's like a constant flow of energy that wouldn't let you rest. You felt miserable, probably due to not being able to fall asleep the second night in a row.

All the different medias, the society... everything. It stressed you over.

Also it was incredibly cold up here and you were constantly wrapped up in a blanket or in another hoodie.

Magnus Bane offered you his help. He knew that this transition wouldn't be easy, but you didn't have the courage to take his offer.

Someone knocked onto the door. You rushed through the flat and opened it.  A second earlier you thought about the stunning glittery warlock, and now he's standing right in front of your door.

The moment he saw you, his bright smile disappeared. "Y/N, are you okay? You look so tired."

You nodded. He came in and hugged you tight. You breathed his cologne in. It smelled so good and you wanted to get lost in the scent of musk and cinnamon.

While he separated himself from you, he held onto your upper arms, slowly letting his hands sink down to your wrists, embracing them. His touch send tingles through your body and goosebumps appeared.

"Come on, let's have a talk." He grabbed your hand and lead you to your sofa, pushing you down, only to take place right next to you. Your legs touched and you blushed slightly.

Magnus looked worried. "You really do struggle to adapt to your new surroundings, don't you?"

You simply nodded and tears formed in the corners of your eyes. "It's all just so overwhelming. I don't know where I belong. It's so cold and I don't understand the mundanes. I barely leave the flat."

He smiled. "That's the reason why I am here. Nobody heard about you for over two weeks. And you didn't answer my calls."

You avoided his gaze. "Sorry, I didn't charge it. It kept vibrating and I just let it run empty."

He sighed and gently laid his hand on your cheek, to press your face back to looking at him.

"I know it's a lot, but we will figure it out. You'll get used to it. We have an eternity to do that." He stroked your cheek with his thumb.

You laughed slightly. "Don't waste your time on me. It has no use. I'm just one of probably a hundred children of Azazel."

"And even if there were a thousand children of Azazel, I would still fight for you. You're worth every single second of my time. You helped me down in Edom, now I'll help you." His voice sounded calm.

"So that's the reason why you are here? Because you have the feeling that you owe me something?" You were slightly hurt because you thought you interpreted too much into this whole situation.

But the disappointment didn't hold up too long.

"No, that's not the reason. I've been thinking a lot and I can't get you out of my mind. The moment when I arrived in Edom and saw your pretty face, you caught my attention. The first time you spoke to me, you took my breath. The first time you smiled at me, you send a tingle through my veins. And the moment when you first hugged me, you took my heart. I can't think about anything else because every thought leads me back to you."

You were shaking. Not only because you were cold, but also super nervous.

"Does that mean..." He interrupted you by pressing his lips onto yours.

You gave in and your lips moved in sync, like they were made for each other. The fingers of his one hand tangled into your hair, the other hand pressed your body against his.

The moment you separated you fought for air.

"That was... wow... I kissed a lot of people over the decades but this was by far the best one I've ever had." Magnus said.

You leaned onto him, feeling incredibly tired suddenly.

He grabbed your upper arms gently and pushed you down, so the back of your head laid in his lap.

"And now, my princess/prince, you sleep. And tomorrow I'll show you the advantages of this beautiful and crazy world."

While he stroked face, you felt warm, secure, happy and slowly drifted into a deep and very needed sleep.

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