Are you afraid? - Magnus Bane

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You are a warlock and Magnus Bane is your best friend.

Characters involved: You, Magnus Bane, Raphael Santiago, Simon Lewis, Clary Fairchild, Jace Herondale

Triggers: none

Request: ItSmYwAyToDoThInGs


"Guys, seriously... A horror movie? Can't we watch Twilight or something?" You stated at the choice of film your friends decided on.

"Nope, I'm not gonna stay if we watch that. I feel insulted then. Those aren't real vampires. We don't sparkle in the sun." Raphael said, rolling his eyes.

"Ditto. Raphael is right. No Twilight." Simon joined in, wanting to high-five Raphael, who simply turned him down.

Clary smiled brightly. "A horror movie doesn't sound too bad. Come on, Y/N. Don't be such a crybaby."

And so the idea was fixed: You were about to watch the Conjuring, aka one of the scariest movies ever.

You planted yourself right next to Magnus when the lights were turned off and the movie started.

Everyone's eyes were resting on the big plasma TV screen in front of you.

About half an hour has passed. You wanted to ignore the movie, but it didn't work out.

"Y/N? Are you afraid?" Magnus leaned closer and whispered into your ear, frightening you a bit at first.

You nodded, not saying a word in order to not disturb the others.

"Here, hold my hand. Nothing will happen to you. It's just a movie." He carefully took your hand and put it in his. He was warm and it definitely gave you some comfort.

Some minutes later, when the ghost made more appearances and started to kill people off, you started to tremble.

"Y/N, come here. You're trembling. I don't like to see you so scared." He wrapped his arms around you .

"Should we just leave?" He whispered into your ear.

You shook your head no and hid your face in the crook of his neck to avoid looking at the TV screen.

Not intending to make an intimate act out of it Magnus breath hitched and you felt goosebumps spreading all over his caramel skin.

Noticing that, you removed your face from him neck and turned away from him to hide your blush.

"No, stay. I don't mind." He whispered into your ear again while pushing your head back into the crook of his neck.

His scent intoxicated you and lulled you into a layer of comfort. He smelled like cinnamon and a little musk, overall an unique but amazing smell.

Inhaling some more you felt yourself getting more relaxed. Magnus hooked his arm below your knees and lifted your legs onto his thighs.

So you sat there, face buried in the crook of the neck of the high warlock, your legs on his laps and his hands caressing your back and your knees. Quite romantic, isn't it?

Despite the horror movie and the bloody paranormal scenes that occurred, you slowly drifted into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Magnus POV

The movie was over an hour later and I knew that Y/N was asleep, The breathing was calm, deep and peaceful.

The moment Jace turned the light on again, everyone stared at us.

Y/N was still half on my lap, my arm wrapped around their back and my thumb drawing circles onto the little knees.

"Is Y/N asleep?" Simon asked and laughed.

"Shhh, don't be so loud. It's obvious that Y/N is asleep." Raphael hissed quietly and punched the upper arm of his fledgling.

"Do you need help carrying her/him to bed? Oh wait, we're in your flat. We should wake Y/N up and bring her/him back home." The older vampire continued talking.

I shook my head no slowly and whispered: "Don't worry about it. Y/N will stay for the night. Right here just like that. And now please turn a dinsey movie on, so when Y/N wakes up, she'll/he'll see something else than a demon killing people off."

"But we see that every day and..." Jace wanted to start a discussion but Clary covered his mouth with her tiny hand.

"We will leave you two alone now. Have fun the rest of the night." She winked and took Jace by the hand and left.

The others followed. Simon was the last one that left and he turned the light off.

I slowly felt myself driving into a light sleep by the flickering of the disney movie that Jace put on. Y/N on my lap, face still buried in my neck, hand flat on my chest.

We should watch more horror movies.

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