Another Nightmare - Magnus Bane

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You are a mundane and date Magnus Bane. It's the first time you sleep at his house.

Characters involved: You, Magnus Bane

Triggers: Anxiety

Request: Ella_Herondale


You hurried through the streets of New York. It was 3am in the morning. You fell asleep while studying at the house of a friend and since their parents were really strict, you weren't allowed to stay until the morning.

Right now you would rather have an argument with those parents. Something followed you. It was like a black shadow that lingered at every corner. It made your heart beat stronger and your breathing faster and heavier.

Right when you wanted to begin to run out of the alley, a creature stood in front of your way. Creature? Yes. You didn't know what it was, but definitely not a human.

The creature had dark burned skin, a slimy red fluid covered some spots of the body. Its eyes were black. And it came towards you.

Magnus POV:

I woke up to a quiet noise and some movements next to me. As I opened my eyes I saw the body of Y/N in the light of the moonshine. She/He had kicked the blanket off and threw her/his head from one side to the other. 

Y/N was panting, the skin covered with a thin layer of sweat and her/his fingers held onto the covers. It was a nightmare.

I came closer and gentle rubbed her/his upper arm. "Y/N, come on. Wake up. It's just a dream."

Rubbing the upper arm didn't help. I took both of her/his shoulders into my hands and shook Y/N lightly. This time it was enough.

With a scream she/he was awake.


You woke up, screaming, just to see the worried face of Magnus right in front of you. It happened again. Another nightmare.

"I'm sorry." Tears began to fill your eyes. You felt guilty for waking him up.

Magnus wrapped his arms around you and tried to calm you down. "Shhh, it's okay. There's nothing to be sorry about. You had a bad dream. That's totally fine. It happens. Do you want to talk about it?"

You shook your head no. The memories would just stress you into an anxiety attack.

"That's okay. Then let us cuddle a bit. I'll protect you." You felt him smile into your neck.

You rolled to your side and pressed your back against the chest of Magnus. He was so warm. He was the warmth you needed right now.

Magnus pushed one arm under your head and wrapped the other one around your waist.

He placed gentle kisses on your cheek and neck. You felt secure. Like he actually protected you.

After some minutes, Magnus was the one to raise his voice first. "Is that the reason why you waited several months before you stayed here over night?"

You nodded into the pillow. It was the reason. You were afraid of having a nightmare and screaming... Well, it did happen almost every night. And you were ashamed.

He sighed. "Oh my little glitter, you could have talked to me about it. It's okay. You're not alone with that."

Again you nodded into the pillow.

"Did my little glitter lost their voice?" He chuckled.

Again you nodded into the pillow.

"Then what shall we do to find it again?" He brought some distance between you two and turned you on your back. "I might have an idea."

With that he began to tickle you. He knew that it always made you laugh because you were so sensitive.

He succeeded with his idea. You began to laugh and curled into a ball, in order to protect your stomach of the tickle attacks.

After some minutes he stopped and placed himself of top of you. You were out of breath, a bright smile on your face.

"Oh how much I love that smile... I don't want to ever miss it again." He placed a soft kiss on your lips and rolled himself next to you again.

You noticed that the sun was already on the rise.

Magnus placed some more kisses on your face. "You want to eat breakfast?"

You nodded, feeling awake and good, despite the horrible nightmare.

He grinned. "Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Toronto... Name a city and we'll go there."

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