Call it Macaroni

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A/N Here it is! Book 2. I hope you enjoy because this is the season that inspired these books.

~Princess <3

*District 21: 2 and a Half Weeks Later*

Ana walked through the Bullpen and towards the office. She had been dropped off by Hank before the man went to his meeting with IA. A call from Hank to Sheldon happened to be the last one the Techie received before leaving the Earth.

"Ana." Antonio called, stopping her. "I'm gonna meet up with a C.I" He informed and Ana shot him a smile in response before entering the office.

Ana lit a cigarette and plopped down on the couch with a sigh. Just as she's taking another drag, a voice speaks up from the doorway.

"Sarge?" Jay asked.

"What's up?" She asked as Jay held up an envelope

"Trudy handed it to me when I walked in. It's addressed to both of us." Jay explained.

Ana patted the spot on the couch next her. Jay sat down and opened it. Inside it, was a flash drive and a note.

I know I can trust you two.

Jay took the flash drive and nodded towards his desk. The two walked over and the Detective plugged it into his computer.

Sheldon had been compiling data on Stillwell and had even recorded some of their meetings. Ana sighed and took the flash drive once they were done looking through it's contents.

"Don't worry about Henry. I'll tell him." Ana assured, throwing her cigarette stub in the trash.

Speak of the Devil and he shall appear. Hank walked into the bullpen, not a second later, dressed in his Sergeant uniform due to his meeting.

"How'd it go?" Erin asked.

"It went. They asked some stupid questions. I left." Hank replied.

"Boss, where they at with Jin's murder?" Adam inquired.

"Nowhere." Hank answered, noticing the absence of one Detective. "Where's Antonio?"

"Meeting up with a C.I." Ana responded.

"He's got a tip on some armored van thing." Alvin added as the male Sergeant walks towards the office.

"Boss, why aren't we looking into Jin's murder on our own?" Jay chimed in, stopping him.

"For the same reason I told you last time you asked. They don't want us anywhere near it since he was in our unit, okay? He was a police officer. Area central is all over it." Hank assured, continuing towards his destination.

"So they had no updates this morning?" Kevin wondered as Ana glared at him, along with Erin and Alvin.

"The update. . ." Hank paused, turning around and storming up to the Officer. "The update is they're coming after my badge!" He yelled and Kevin glanced at his desk, sheepishly. "So when there is another update I will convey it, okay? Until then, just do your jobs." Hank commanded, finally going into the office with a slam of the door.

With one last glare thrown in Kevin's direction, Ana joined her husband in their office. Hank had a glare ready for the person about to walk in, but it fades immediately at the sight of his wife.

Ana shuts the door and takes her usual spot, but not before placing two flash drives on the desk along with the note from Sheldon. The first is the one that came with the note. The second, contains a video of Stillwell murdering Sheldon. Ana had transferred the video to the drive before deleting it from her phone.

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