Nobody Touches Anything

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A/N This is a Chicago Fire episode otherwise known as Part 1 in a 3 part crossover. I watch more of PD then Fire so I apologise if I get some of the areas of the firehouse wrong. Also, I love Herrmann but it's weird for me to refer to him by his first name so I'm using his last lol. Without further ado, relax and enjoy the read.

~Princess <3

*Firehouse 51: Lounge*

Ana watched Joe with a smile plastered on her face, and a cigarette in hand, from where she was at the table with Matt and Gabby. The man is finishing his dish and rounded the counter, turning to the rest of his fellow firefighters

"Okay, I need a volunteer." Joe informed.

He is immediately met with negative responses from everyone except Sylvie and Ana. Even Otis, who'd been leaning against the counter at the time, walked a few feet away from the approaching Joe, carrying his dish in a big silver pot. He sighs and places the dish back on the counter.

"You guys, Molly's II is almost up and running. Do we have a menu? No. Do we have a cook? No. At least I'm doing something." Joe pointed out.

"Listen to your colleague here." Herrmann chimed in, putting his hand up to stop Joe from giving him a sample. "No. I was very specific about the time table afforded. Eight weeks, okay, and you've burned through half of it already." He reminded Joe, progressively getting louder as the younger man walks back to the counter and places his dish on it.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll be ready. We'll be ready. We just- we just need a signature dish." Joe sighed.

"Well, we all know that I don't mind trying your dishes, Joe." Ana reminded him.

Ignoring the groans from everyone else, Ana walked over to Joe, smiling at the grin forming on his face. Due to the cigarette she was holding, Joe held the wooden spoon out for her, cupping his hand underneath to prevent any from spilling.

He wasn't at all phased at the involuntary cough that escaped the older woman's lips. That always happens at a strong or sharp flavor due to her lungs. However, she always enjoyed foods like that and never let anything stop her from eating them. Ana hummed in delight at the familiar taste.

"Tangy." She commented, not losing her smile.

"Dominican sausage and peppers." Joe listed, also not losing his grin.

"Dude, if you keep calling your food Dominican, I'm going to have to kick your ass on behalf of an entire country." Gabby threatened.

"All right, fine." Joe sighed, grin falling as he drops the spoon back into the pot. "Who's gonna be the cook?" He wondered

Joe grabbed a bowl and a regular spoon, putting some of the dish into it before handing it to Ana. At least she'll eat his food. He thought, listening with a small smile as the woman hums in delight once more.

"Hey, listen, I got a cousin, you know. A really nice Russian girl." Otis suggested, walking back over.

"No more cousins from you." Joe glared.

"Hey, it's a totally different cousin." Otis shrugged.

"No more with the cousins!" Joe yelled, rounding the counter to put his dish away.

Rick Newhouse enters followed by Peter, each man carrying one box with them.

"Hey, guys." He greeted.

"Oh, Newhouse. What's the thing with the face? It's starting to be regular with you. You got a secret fight club or something we don't know about?" Herrmann questioned, catching sight of a cut on the younger man's nose.

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