Shouldn't Have Been Alone

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A/N I'm aware the incident in question here occurs the same night as the last episode, however, I moved it to the next day cause I wanted them to celebrate Erin's new job at Molly's. Anyway, enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

Everyone was in the Bullpen when a flustered and distraught Trudy Platt ran in, informing them that Kim had been shot. They all grabbed their things and rushed to the house it occurred at.

Ana and Hank head over, guns out, to a blonde Officer who is covering the fallen Kim until an ambulance can arrive.

"Where's Sean?" Ana wondered.

"Inside. He went after the shooter. Patrolmen are locking down the street." The Officer replied as gunshot rang out from the house.

"Hold here! Stand down!" Hank ordered.

He and Ana make their way to the house. As they step inside,  music could be heard blaring out of it. They clear the first floor and head upstairs, finding Sean lying on his stomach in one of the rooms.

"Roman!" Hank shouted.

"The whole damn house is rigged!" He warned.

"Where's the shooter?" Ana inquired.

"Huh? Shooter? No, there's no shooter!" At that, Ana put her gun down and Hank walked over to the source of the music, a stereo, turning it off. "I don't know what happened. I entered the room and stepped through that tripwire, which is rigged to that thing. I got low and triggered the device. There's a body in the tub. It's- it's dissolved." Sean informed, getting up.

"You need medical attention?" Someone yelled from downstairs.

"Get out! Make sure everyone is away from the house and no one else enters!" Ana ordered.

"Copy that, Sarge." The person responded.

"This is Sergeant Voight. Advise patrol to evacuate the block. Dispatch Bomb Squad and forensics. I'm initiating a plan one." Hank radioed before turning to the Officer with them. "Roman." 

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Are you all right?" Hank questioned.

"I'm good. Let's go." Sean responded.

The three make their way out and over to where everyone else is.

"Hey, I want two cars escorting that ambulance to Chicago Med." Hank ordered to one of the Officers.

"On it." She replied.

"Ruzek, stay here. You're inside." Hank informed.

A few minutes later, the Bomb Squad arrived and cleared the house. Everyone began heading inside as Hank and Ana talk to Antonio.

"Bomb Unit did a sweep of the place. Back door was linked to an improvised napalm grenade." Hank informed as Erin joined them.

"I thought you were officially detailed to task force." Antonio recalled.

"I pushed it a day." She explained, looking at the rifle by the front door. "Shooter was waiting for her here?"

"There was never a shooter." Ana shook her head.

"No shooter? Who pulled the trigger?" Antonio asked, both he and Erin looking thoroughly confused.

"The buzzer was rigged to the trigger of the gun. Burgess presses the button. . ." Hank trailed off.

"So our killer is what, some kind of brilliant tech whiz?" Erin questioned.

"Don't give him too much credit. It'll only disappoint you when we catch him." Hank warned.

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