Say Her Real Name

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*District 21: Bullpen*

Adam walks in as Nadia brushes past him and over to the couple standing by the whiteboard.

"Excuse me, Sergeants. This was just delivered for the both of you." She informed, handing a package to Hank and a card to Ana.

"Who's it from?" Erin wondered.

"Olivia Benson, Special Victims Unit, New York." Nadia replied as a smile appeared on Ana's face at the mention of her sister.

"What's it say?" Erin pushed, watching the two read the card.

"Nothing." Hank answered, turning to Nadia and holding out the package. "Hey, put it in the office, will you?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

"All right-"

"How long you gonna milk that flesh wound?" Antonio interrupted, jokingly referring to the full arm brace Hank's sporting on his right arm, keeping it at a ninety degree angle.

"Yeah, you collecting disability now?" Erin added, gaining snickers from the various occupants of the room.

"Doc says it comes off in a few days. Anyone else want to try out for Second City, or can we get down to business?" Hank questioned, getting the team to back off.

"Alright, the World Trade Conference is tomorrow and because of the mess protesters are making Downtown, HQ's on our back about threat reports. So, where are we?" Ana inquired.

"Swore I spent the last week making banners with a bunch of wannabe anarchists. Biggest threat they pose is depleting Chicago's marijuana supply." Alvin spoke up.

"Al, let me see your eyes." Antonio demanded as Ana swallowed a laugh at the implication that her best male friend might be slightly high at the moment.

"I'm just getting over some hay fever." Alvin argued.

"Uh-huh." Antonio crossed his arms, not believing a word.

Ana watched with a smirk as Adam leans over and sniffs his partner, cringing back at the potent stench of Marijuana.

"I spent the last few nights with the Natural Earth Brotherhood hippies from Oregon. We spent our waking hours collecting human waste in buckets to throw from the rooftops of Michigan Avenue." Jay chimed in.

"That's disgusting." Erin remarked.

"Yeah, all right. What about your group, Ruzek? Um . . ." Hank trailed off, having forgot the name.

"The Black Grid." Ana supplied, rolling her eyes at her husband who gave her a small smile in response.

"Yeah, environmental extremists. At least that's what they claim. The big plan is to throw oil on capitalist pigs, embarrass them on the news or something." Adam explained.

"All right, we're already late for this threat assessment meeting. Just grab your files, and let's go." Hank ordered.

*Wexford Hotel*

After receiving a call from Alvin about a female victim thrown from a window, the two Sergeants arrive at the scene just in time to see Adam being dragged out by a man in a suit.


"Found your guy off the reservation trying to question a foreign dignitary. Fabian Sosa's here on behalf of the South American delegation." The man explained, cutting him off.

"I don't care who that guy is, man." Adam rolled his eyes

"Sosa's traveling with diplomatic immunity. You want to speak with him, you have to request an interview through his counsel." The man informed.

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