Prison Ball

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*Crime Scene: Nighttime*

The team arrives and finds Commander Fischer there waiting for them.

"Sergeants." He greeted.

"Commander." The couple replied, simultaneously.

"Victim's name was Mya Watkins. She was a state's witness set to testify in a theft case this week. Shooter walked up, put two in her head, and ran off." Fischer informed.

Erin walked over to the body and uncovered her face. She was no more than a mere child.

"How old is she, ten?" The Detective questioned.

"Yeah." Fischer confirmed as Erin recovered the body. "Clear everything off your plate. This is the only case that matters."

Everyone splits off to gather information and regroups after a while.

"Homicide found two 9-mil shell casings next to the body. They're on their way to ballistics for analysis now." Jay informed.

"Any witnesses?" Alvin inquired.

"Zip. This was a message to the neighborhood. Don't snitch." Antonio replied.

Everyone then caught sight of the victim's mother crying in Kevin's arms. They could hear her screaming over Adam trying to get someone to step forward.

*District 21: Bullpen*

Antonio tapes a picture to the board next to Mya's and turns to the team.

"James Grant, senior at Anderson High and star forward on the basketball team." He informed.

"Kid's a lock for the pros." Jay remarked.

"Yeah, except robbery-burglary picked him up for holding up a corner store a couple months back. Charges wouldn't stick without an eyeball witness. Mya was the only one willing to go on the record." Antonio explained, pointing at her picture.

"So she was the only thing that stood between Grant going pro. . ." Erin began.

"And spending the next five years in Stateville." Antonio finished as Adam got off the phone.

"All right, the coach confirmed it. Grant was playing a tournament in Evanston at the time of the shooting." He informed.

"Maybe that was the plan, have eyes on Grant while Mya gets shot somewhere else." Erin suggested.

"This kid's connected enough to order a hit on a witness?" Alvin wondered.

Kevin chose that moment to walk in and hand everyone a piece of paper.

"Nope, Grant's not, but his uncle definitely is. Devon Tucker, O.G. vice lord turned gun runner. He's been looking out for his nephew since the boy learned how to dribble." He explained as Ana looked up from the paper to her husband.

"Isn't he behind bars, though?" She inquired.

"Yeah, Federal Weapons charge at MCC." Hank confirmed. "Think he ordered the shot from inside?"

"I bet my star on it." Kevin replied as the male Sergeant looks at Alvin.

"Let's go have a chat." He stated and the two leave to do just that.

Ana looks over and catches Kevin glancing at her with a conflicted look. She walks over to him and sighs.

"Kevin, I know what your thinking and you have my full support, but I'm not the one with the Warden's number." Ana pointed out.

Kevin nodded. He knew he was going to have to convince Hank anyway.

*Time Skip brought by Adam and Kevin later having each other's backs*

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