Chicago Crossover

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A/N First of all, F*ck me for not noticing autocorrect, somehow changing Sunday to Monday in the last chapter. That's now fixed. My bad, sorry for any confusion on that part. Second of all, this is a Law & Order: SVU episode, otherwise known as Part 2 of a 3 Part crossover. Once again, I watch more PD then I do SVU so I apologise if some of the characters come off a bit OOC or I f*ck up the locations.

~Princess <3

*SVU Headquarters*

Ana walks in with Jay and Erin trailing behind her. She looks around, not spotting any familiar faces, and eventually landing on the office. Her face splits into grin, seeing her sister inside on the phone. Ana heads over and knocks on the doorframe.

"Hey, Liv." She greeted.

"Ana." Olivia smiled, hanging up.

She walked over and Ana met her half way as the two hug. They separate and turn to the two Detectives, who are grinning at the actions of the sisters. Before Ana can properly introduce everyone, Fin and a new face join the group.

"Most of us know each other already. For the one who doesn't, Detective Jay Halstead, meet Detective Nick Amaro, and my sister, Sergeant Olivia Benson." Ana introduced. "And I'm now starting to remember why I call you Bluejay." She grimaced at the feeling of Jay's real name rolling off her tongue.

It made everyone chuckle, reminding them of the woman's thing with nicknames. If Ana doesn't like your name, she's gonna find a nickname you both like. They're all broken out of their thoughts by Amanda rushing in.

"Hey, I got stuck in the- in the tunnel. I'm- I'm sorry, Sarge. " She apologized as Olivia sat back down at her desk.

"You caught this in Chicago?" Fin inquired.

"More accurately, I did, as a firefighter. We pulled Mr. Andrew Lewellen out of his burning house, after he brought his dog out, and ran back in. He was holding a box that fell out of his hands and opened up. The pictures we sent you, were inside along with many more." Ana explained.

"So then Detective Lindsay recognized one of the young victims." Amanda added.

"Teddy Courtney is my half brother. He ran away ten years ago. And my mom won't tell me how she knows, but she knows he came to New York, so. . ." Erin trailed off.

"And that's who we've been trying to locate." Fin realized.

"NCMEC ran his face through the system, and they found more images." Olivia informed, opening a file and handing it to Amanda.

"And he's connected to a pedophilia ring. This pedophilia club is still active, and they've upgraded to live streaming." Nick added.

"And people, if you can call them that, they, uh, they log on and they pay for specific request like torture, rape. You know, it's like requesting songs from a DJ." Jay explained.

"Now, and the feds think this club streams from New York?" Amanda inquired.

"They don't know, but as soon as we find Teddy, we're gonna ask him." Olivia replied.

"Assuming he's alive." Nick added, bluntly, getting glares from everyone. "Look, I'm- I'm sorry, but a kid goes through something like that-"

"Nick." Ana hissed.

"I'm sorry, Ana, but just because-"

"Detective Amaro." She growled, effectively shutting him up.

The SVU team, knowing what Nick was about to say next, all give Ana concerned looks. She never called any of them by their last name. They quickly figured out the reason for her actions, though, seeing the lost and confused looks on Jay and Erin's faces. Jay, being the man he is, quickly got the conversation back on topic.

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