Erin's Mom

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*District 21: Office*

Hank is at his desk, sitting across from Erin and her mother, Barbra "Bunny" Fletcher. Ana is standing next to him, with her arms crossed, and attempting not glare at Bunny for Erin's sake.

"Bunny found this in the back of one of Johnny's trucks." Erin informed, pulling out a bag containing a bloody glove and tossing it on the desk.

"Johnny?" Hank questioned, picking up the bag and examining it.

"My husband." Bunny explained.

"Of course he is." Ana muttered, rolling her eyes and ignoring the glare she received from the woman.

"What happened to Choppy?" Hank wondered.

"Johnny runs a moving truck rental company, and I help out." Bunny replied, avoiding the question entirely.

"Someone could have cut their hand moving a piano." Hank pointed out.

"The guy who rented that truck comes in every couple of weeks. Really sketchy. Pays only cash. If I found that glove, I'd hate to think what else I'm gonna find." Bunny reasoned.

"Can't look into this even if we wanted to. You touching the glove means we can't get a warrant." Ana countered.

"That's why I gave Erin the rental agreements." Bunny retorted as Erin takes out a piece of paper and hands it to Hank.

"Everyone who rents a truck gets their license photocopied. Name on that license is Robert O'Shea. I ran it through DMV and NCIC; license is a fake. Robert O'Shea is an alias." Erin explained, pulling out a picture and placing it on the desk. "This is Nick Vosh, recently paroled from Menard for robbery. I checked his last known address; he's crashing in Brighton Park." She informed.

"You really want to chase this?" Hank questioned.

"I think it's worth a look." Erin admitted.

"Then grab Bluejay and check Vosh out." Ana ordered, seeing said Detective walking to his desk.

Erin and Bunny stand up and go to leave the Office when Hank stops them, walking over as well.

"Now, I'm gonna need a complete statement from you. We're going by the book on this one." He stated firmly.

Erin merely glances at the three of them before walking over to her partner and filling him in.

"So, what? All of a sudden your a Good Samaritan?" Ana inquired once they were left alone.

"You gonna start a neighborhood watch too?" Hank added.

"I'm telling the truth, guys." Bunny claimed.

"Hmm." Hank grunted, not believing a word.

"I don't want this guy Vosh renting one of Johnny's trucks, doing something illegal, and having it come back on us." Bunny insisted.

"You sure this isn't some ploy to get back in Erin's life?" Hank questioned.

"Erin can make her own decisions, and it's not really any of your business." Bunny replied.

"Whatever it is that you think you can reach inside Erin, died the second you popped your first pill." Ana hissed.

"You don't have to like it, but I am part of her life now." Bunny shot back.

"I'm gonna need that statement." Hank stated, walking back to his desk and sitting down.

*Time Skip brought to you by Nadia's determination to do well on her exams*

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