An Honest Woman

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*Voights' Residence: A Few Days Later*

Olive called again and was invited over for breakfast. She was telling the couple how she got into physical therapy when the kettle starts whistling. Hank, who had been waiting by the stove, takes it off and pours the water into an awaiting cup with a tea bag in it. He walks over to the table, sets it in front of Olive, and sits next to Ana, wrapping an arm around her as the pregnant woman continues her story.

"Then I found out I don't like reflexology. Plus, the instructor kept looking down my shirt." Olive sighed.

"I'm pretty sure the amount of people who've eyeballed me in that way equals the amount of people Henry's punched in his life." Ana joked, earning a smirk from Hank and a chuckle from Olive.

"Well, so far, physical therapy seems much more interesting." Olive finished her story, taking a sip of the tea.

"So you and Justin, how long is this going on?" Hank wondered.

"Nothing was really going on, but, I always liked him, even in high school. He did his own thing. He was, like, mysterious, you know?" Olive explained.

"The Maltese Falcon is a mystery. Justin was a pain in the ass." Hank recalled.

"You and I both know the perfectly acceptable reason for that. Also, was?" Ana smirked.

"Touché. On both accounts." Hank smiled.

"I was no walk in the park, either. Justin's, um, your sister, caught me chugging vodka out of a snapple bottle at the sophomore dance." Olive admitted.

"Old eagle eye. She turn you in?" Hank inquired.

"Confiscated it, gave me a little speech." Olive corrected.

"That's another specialty of hers." Hank's smile turned into a sad one and Ana grabbed the hand around her in comfort.

"Justin's on leave starting tomorrow. I feel like, I think we're gonna be good at this. We just got to build a foundation." Olive stated, full of confidence.

"He's got a four-year service commitment." Hank pointed out.

"I know, and I feel bad asking for more money. It's just, with paying for classes and everything. . ." She trailed off.

"If it's for the baby, we're happy to help." Ana assured as Hank stands up.

"But that's not why I came. I really do want to get to know you. I mean, we're gonna be a family." Olive insisted as Hank held up his hand.

"Wait here." He smiled, heading to the basement.

"So, um, you don't have to answer this, but, what did you mean when you said there was a reason for Justin's behavior?" Olive asked.

"That's something for him to tell you." Ana replied as Olive nodded in understanding. "However, I think I know why you asked. You witnessed some of his nightmares, didn't you?" She questioned.

Ana was simultaneously writing something down on a notepad she kept on the table. As she finished asking her questioned, she subtly showed Olive what she had written.

I can see how scared you are. Just nod your head casually while answering my previous question. Did someone make you come here today?

"Twice. He'd thrash around and call out for you." Olive answered, nodding her head.

Are they in the house?

"If it happens again, just get a hold of me and give him the phone." Ana instructed as Olive pointed at herself and looked sideways at the door.

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