Born Into Bad News

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A/N Sorry for the late update! Life is a Bitch and got in the way again. As always, relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

*Nighttime: Random Parking Lot*

Hank and Ana watch as a car pulls up and an old friend hops out. As he walks over to the Sergeants, he's closely followed by a younger man.

"How you doin', guys?" He greeted.

"Commander Perry." Hank nodded.

"Ron." Ana smiled.

"Thanks for taking the time." Ron said as he shook hands with both of them.

"Of course." Hank replied as the former Commander turned to the younger man.

"This is my nephew, Carter." He introduced.

"Son." Hank nodded while Ana flashed him a smile.

Carter merely rubbed a hand down his face and sighed.

"I don't feel right about being out here, but my uncle swears that if anyone can handle this, it's you two." He explained.

"That and the woman owes me a favor." Ron added and Hank turned to his wife in confusion.

"The flash drive containing pictures of Sumner and Stillwell. He helped me with that." Ana elaborated.

"All right. What ya got?" Hank wondered, turning back to Carter, who hands him a wad of cash.

"My cut. I had to take it. If I didn't, they'd think I was a snitch. Last week, we came into Chicago, hit a mid-level supplier in Englewood using a fake warrant." He explained.

"Startin' to spill into your backyard." Ron pointed out.

"These guys are crazy, all right? The last dealer we hit, they beat him so bad, I thought they'd kill him." Carter hissed.

"Well, what about your chief? You go to him about this?" Hank wondered.

"Like I told my uncle; I don't know who I can trust. For all I know, they could be payin' him off." Carter replied.

"You gotta get Carter out from under them, guys." Ron pleaded. "It's just a matter of time before they bust this whole unit and take him down the tubes with them."

*Next Day: District 21:, Bullpen*

The Sergeants and the former Commander stand by the whiteboard, gazing upon the rest of the Intelligence team.

"All right, here's the deal. Commander's nephew's caught up with some bad police out in Jackson Park." Hank explained as Ana taped a picture to the board.

"This is Sergeant Dave Roland and his Narcotics Unit. Over the past year, they've been ripping off drug dealers in their jurisdiction. That was until last week." Ana informed.

"They crossed into our backyard, robbed a stash house for 200k." Hank finished.

"I got a buddy from high school Used to work out that way as a sheriff's deputy. He said the motto on the side of the Jackson Park patrol car should read, To Steal and Neglect." Antonio remarked.

Erin chose that moment to walk in wearing sunglasses and carrying a coffee.

"Sorry. Traffic." She apologized, nodding at Ron as she made her way to her desk. "Sir."

"Sergeant Roland used to be CPD." Ana continued. "Some of you may recognize his name. His father was Deputy Chief. He had his son placed in Narcotics straight out of the academy."

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