They'll Have to Go Through Me

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A/N Now we're back to Chicago PD with Part 3/3 of the crossover. Also, I hate life. Something came up once again and I'm unable to finish the second part I promised. Sorry, I should be able to get it up tomorrow if life doesn't f*ck me over again.

~Princess <3

*District 21: Bullpen*

Nadia is standing by her desk with Nick and Amanda next to her. Their suitcases are at their feet and everyone is in the room including Kim and Sean. Ana, who is standing next to Hank by the whiteboard, walks over to the SVU Detectives.

"So, you all remember Mandy, and this is Detective Amaro. As long as they're here, they're two of us. And like us, they have full jurisdictional powers. Together, we can bring these SOBs down." Ana explained.

"All right, this pedophile ring, they're desperate, well-connected, and clearly they'll do anything to avoid being exposed. We found the body in New York, but the head of the snake is here in Chicago." Hank informed as Amanda walked over to the board and pointed at a picture.

"Okay, so, Bob Clinton, he is our middleman from New York. Now, NCMEC tells us that he was getting victims from a youth center in Times Square. Now, a lot of the kids were actually funneled to New York from here in Chicago, and according to our talks with Clinton, there is a higher-up, a true shot-caller." She added.

"Now, Clinton was gonna give us a name, but he didn't make it 24 hours in jail. Was shanked in the showers." Nick explained.

"We like Lewellen for financing this whole thing." Hank finished.

"Tony, anything with the shooter?" Ana inquired.

"Well, due to the poor quality of the video, there's no match in the face recognition database. Best we got is male, white, around 5'9, dark hair, 170 pounds, give or take." He replied.

"So, patrol, you turn over every stone you can to get an I.D. on this guy." Hank ordered.

"You got it, Sergeant." Kim nodded as she and Sean head back downstairs.

"Ruzek, Lewellen himself, where we at with that?" Hank wondered.

"Got to all his main accounts. Nothing stood out except for payments to a Oakbrook Senior Community, Western suburbs. Comes in at, like, $5k a month." He informed.

"And that's relevant how?" Alvin questioned.

"Lewellen has no living relatives." Adam answered.

"Nick and Adam, check his home." Ana commanded.

Watching all of this, Nick was impressed. Ana, while in New York, let Olivia lead and didn't show any of her Sergeant side. Even Amanda, who hadn't seen much of that side either the last time she was in Chicago, admittedly found it cool how the Sergeants questioned and ordered equally amongst each other.

The SVU Detectives are broken out of their thoughts by Trudy coming in and handing Nadia black badge coverings. They were meant to signify the loss of the cop that was shot alongside Lewellen. Nadia distributes them among the group while Trudy begins speaking.

"Ross was a husband and a father and one of my patrolmen. I assigned him to that hospital protection detail. He was supposed to be off the clock, but he needed the overtime for his daughter's tuition. So when you find the animal that killed him, and for whatever reason that animal doesn't come back alive, you call me. I'll dig the ditch." Trudy offered, ending her speech.

"All right. Let's hit it." Hank ordered.

Everyone split off. Those with orders are carrying them out and everyone else is looking for any helpful information as Hank heads into the office. Ana is about follow Trudy downstairs, when Antonio and Alvin walk up to her with concerned looks. At first, she's confused, but then a dull ache reminds her of her bruised cheek.

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